“Why does this person have this condition?”
Now we can begin to identify the underlying issue we sense God is inviting us to pray for. We are asking, “Why does this person have this condition (or point of need)?”
There are many reasons someone might need prayer, and if the request is for physical healing, there may be a variety of reasons the person has a condition. The cause of a condition could be a) disease (natural causation – the person is just sick or has had an accident), b) sin (the person has committed a sin, or someone has sinned against them), c) emotional hurts (these can trigger physical symptoms), d) relationship problems (issues of unforgiveness or anger), or e) demonic influence (spiritual powers afflicting the person).
Sometimes you may discern it is a combination of a few of these causes above. This is why we must depend on the Spirit – we don’t want to be praying about one area for a person when the real issue is coming from something else. Our goal is to see the person experience the depths of God’s love, and to find freedom and healing in his or her heart, mind, and body. It is important to note here that in the Vineyard we see every person as a precious human being made in the image of God, who has chosen to be vulnerable in this moment of asking for prayer. We never treat people as a project, or with indifference; we dignify people in the process of them seeking God for help. Share on X In ministry moments, the highest call of God on us is the second commandment – to love this person that He loves. Often people may not know the exact root of the
problem. What they are asking for prayer about may not be the main issue God wants to address.
Ask the Holy Spirit to confirm if the person’s analysis of the situation is accurate, or if there is something else He wants to reveal. People are complex, and the issues affecting their conditions can be just as complex. A marriage may be in pain because of a childhood hurt. Bodies can be afflicted by psychosomatic illness, which is no less real in its impact than a disease. Holding resentment or bitterness toward another (living or dead) can cause distress that impacts a person emotionally and physically. The interview concludes when we have determined what we believe to be the cause of the condition we are praying for.
Summary Notes
The following will help you remember what to do at this step:
• Are there natural causes here,such as a disease or accident?
• Is there sin involved, committed by the person or against the person?
• Are there emotional hurts causing physical symptoms?
• Are there relationship problems that are part of this issue?
• Is there demonic influence?
• Continue to ask God for help
• Ask more questions if it seems appropriate