A COVID-19 Encouragement From Phil Strout

In this video, Phil shares an encouraging word in challenging times.


We hope that wherever you are in the world, that you and your family are well, and that you sense the Holy Spirit near as you navigate these strange times we are in.

We remember John 16:33 in which Jesus says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

So take heart! We are in these uncharted waters together, and know that more troubles may come, but one thing that has not changed is that the Kingdom of God prevails.

We invite you to continue praying with us for the many communities around the world who are experiencing illness and uncertainty at this time.

Know that our Vineyard USA staff are lifting up both you and your communities each week in prayer.

To the greater glory of God and the well-being of people,


Phil Strout
National Director, Vineyard USA

A Note Regarding Vineyard USA Events

On the advice of legal counsel, and in broad consultation with relevant authorities, all VUSA-sponsored events have been cancelled through the end of 2020, due to COVID-19.

Please refer to the emails sent by event organizers to attendees regarding registration refunds and relevant information.

For the full events update, please read the letter from Phil Strout (National Director, Vineyard USA) here.