Senegalese Man Healed And Walks Away

One Sunday in Senegal, during ministry time, an older man named Doucre' asked for prayer to heal the pain in his hips. Walking was getting very difficult. I prayed for him for a minute, then asked how he was doing. He said he felt better, but I thought he was just being nice to me.

So I prayed a second time. When I asked how he was doing again, he just walked away.

A few hours later he came running up to me with a huge grin, exclaiming that he was completely healed. He said, “I didn’t mean to be rude when I walked away, but I was so touched by God that I just had to get away and be alone with God.”

The mission nurse told me Doucre’ always had to ask for pain medication and really struggled to walk without pain. She couldn’t believe what had just happened! The whole time she is telling me this, Doucre’ is bouncing up and down in front of us like a little kid in a candy store. (Remember, he is an older man!)

Later that day, we went into a remote village and asked to speak to the village chief. He said yes and rolled out his mat for us all to sit with him. It turns out, Doucre’ speaks four languages, and one is the language of this village chief. So Doucre’, who was just healed, began talking to the village chief, in his language, about Jesus. That moment was not lost on me. God had healed a man’s pain, and that man turned around and shared Jesus with another man who had the potential to influence an entire village for the Kingdom of God.

Now there is a Vineyard church in that village.

The Rest Of The Story…

That healing took place in 2013. Last Christmas in 2017, 120 people gathered for a Christmas Eve service in that church.


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