Ordination Attestation & Church Bylaws

Clarifying the relationships between Vineyard USA, Vineyard churches, and Vineyard pastors.


1) Ordination Attestation: Vineyard USA is asking all Vineyard pastors ordained prior to June 1, 2025 to attest to their ordination.

2) Church Bylaw Updates: Every church is being asked to update its bylaws to acknowledge the Vineyard USA National Leadership Handbook. Vineyard USA and our partner StartCHURCH are supporting churches with bylaw updates at no cost.

Support Sessions

Vineyard USA is hosting topical support sessions to answer questions and guide our pastors and churches. 

Important Dates

Sept 3, 2024: Ordination Attestation opens 

Oct – Nov 2024: Lead Pastors and Board Members walked through Bylaws Updates at VUSA Regional Conferences

May 1, 2025: Both Ordination Attestation and Church Bylaw Updates are due

Table of Contents

About the National Leadership Handbook

The National Leadership Handbook supplements the Vineyard USA Bylaws. The Bylaws define the legal nature of the non-profit corporation that is Vineyard USA. The National Leadership Handbook is a new ecclesiastical document that accurately and thoroughly describes the way in which Vineyard USA operates as a church, as well as the ways in which recognized leaders within Vineyard USA agree to relate to one another.

The Handbook was ratified by the Leadership Council (Regional Leaders, Area Leaders, and Association Leaders) by unanimous vote in March 2024. The Handbook states that Vineyard USA will support ordination processes and standards in cooperation with the local church, and that local churches will amend their governing bylaws to acknowledge the National Leadership Handbook and the policies and procedures therein, as well as participate in the attestation process of all active Vineyard pastors ordained before June 1, 2025.

The Vineyard USA National Leadership Handbook is intended to be a sufficient  accompaniment to the Vineyard USA Bylaws, and which purposed in the Bylaws, “shall govern the matters described therein, may be updated from time to time.”

Updates to the Leadership Handbook shall be approved by the Board of Trustees and presented in a timely manner to the Leadership Council for ratification. The Handbook delegates authority to the Leadership Council (all Regional Leaders, all Association Leaders, and all Area Leaders) to ratify any changes to the Vineyard USA National Leadership Handbook or Statement of Faith.

This process means that updates to the Handbook will happen slowly and with broadly consultative and transparent engagement of the Leadership Council and Vineyard churches.

Vineyard USA intends to ratify Handbook policies and procedures every two (2) years at the annual Leadership Council Meeting. In March 2024, the Leadership Council ratified version 2.0 of the Handbook.

Vineyard USA is working to ratify version 3.0 in Spring of 2026 and version 4.0 in Spring of 2028. The 2026 proposed 3.0 Handbook updates will be communicated to all active Senior Pastors on or before September 1, 2025 allowing for a minimum of 6 months for review and input prior to ratification votes.

Part I: Ordination Attestation

"Attestation means to declare that something exists or is the case."
All Vineyard Pastors ordained prior to June 1, 2025 are being asked to attest to their ordination. Following their attestation a Board Member, Lead Pastor, or Senior Staff person will be asked to confirm the information provided. The final step in the process will result in Vineyard USA endorsing the credentials of ordained Vineyard pastors.
Bylaws Update Roadmap

In a healthy church community, a person does not become a pastor because they are given a title. Rather, a person is given the title of pastor as part of their community’s recognition that they are living out a God-ordained call to pastor people. This call is placed on someone’s  life by God alone; the role of the church is to discern, recognize, and endorse their calling. It is the privilege of local Vineyard churches in the United States, in cooperation with Vineyard USA, to recognize God’s ordination of a person to pastor, when such a calling is discernibly and demonstrably placed by God upon a person’s life. It is the privilege of Vineyard USA, the national convening and governing body for Vineyard churches in the United States, to endorse a local Vineyard church’s recognition of God’s ordination to a person to pastor. 

This Ordination Attestation process is for ordained Vineyard pastors. If you are licensed and/or commissioned, please do not begin this process. You may consider discussing ordination with your local leadership.

On the Ordination Attestation Platform ordained pastors will be asked to respond to a few brief questions. Then, the attestation will be automatically forwarded on to an individual the ordained pastor identifies (a Lead Pastor, Board Member, or Senior staff member) to confirm the accuracy of the information provided.  Finally, the attestation will come to a Vineyard USA Super Regional Leader for review and endorsement. The form ordained pastors complete should take no more than 3 mins to complete. Don’t hesitate to reach out to with any questions! 

The form will close on May 1, 2025 in order to allow for Vineyard USA to complete all approval processes by June 1, 2025, the date given in the National Leadership Handbook to complete the Ordination Attestation process. 

Ordination Attestation FAQ

Historically, the primary way that Vineyard USA was informed of a pastor’s ordination was through documentation associated with pastoral transition. This has provided Vineyard USA with the ordination information for many pastors, and also, there are certainly many ordinations that are not currently in our records.

This is not a reflection of the vital role all ordained pastors play in leading across the Vineyard.

Ordained pastors who do not receive an email to the Ordination Attestation platform are invite to begin their attestation process.

The ordination attestation process is specifically for Vineyard pastors who are ordained prior to June 1, 2025. If you are not yet ordained or do not plan on being ordained prior to June 1, 2025, this process does not currently apply to you.

Depending on your role in the local church, sense of call, and development as a pastor and leader in your local church, it may be appropriate for you to explore ordination with your local church. Those called to ordained ministry are chosen and appointed by God, affirmed by the local church, and subsequently recognized, endorsed, and supported by Vineyard USA (Acts 13:3; 1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6). These individuals have been given gifts for the task of equipping God’s people to carry out the works of service which build up the body of Christ (Eph. 4:11,12). If you believe ordination may be a next step for you, we encourage you to discuss this with your church leadership.

Either is fine. Send it to the place where it makes the most sense in your circumstance. 

Yes! Please direct your attestation form to the Board Member (or former Board Member) or Pastor/Senior Staff Person (or former Pastor/Senior Staff Person) who can confirm your ordination and relationship with the Vineyard. 

  • In the cases of retired pastors, it’s likely most appropriate to send the form to your church’s current Lead Pastor. 
  • In the cases of pastors of congregations that have closed, it’s likely most appropriate to send the form to a Board Member at the closed church or the Lead Pastor at a Vineyard church with whom you are currently in relationship.
  • In the cases of ordained pastors not currently serving in a pastoral role in a congregation (e.g., a pastor who is in-between roles, an ordained chaplain serving in a hospital, etc.) it’s likely most appropriate to send the form to the Lead Pastor at the Vineyard church with whom you are currently in relationship. 

Please send your form to the Board Member or Pastor/Senior Staff Person in the local church to whom you are accountable to and who makes the most sense in your circumstance. 

If the Vineyard church you serve now has received your ordination credentials from another tradition as Vineyard ordination credentials, then yes.

Carry on with your ordination plans. After the new ordination is complete, the newly ordained pastor should initiate the ordination attestation process right away. If the ordination is expected to take place after this form closes (May 1, 2025) and before the date ordination attestation must be complete (June 1, 2025), please contact , and we will work something out.

Vineyard USA is hosting Support Sessions, which are online, small group Zoom calls where you can bring questions about ordination attestation that would be most helpful to discuss.  Individuals must pre-register for these calls. Registration will be available soon. 

Additionally, at any point, you are welcome to email with questions about Ordination Attestation.  Your inquiry will be put in front of the person best able to assist you, and it will be responded to in a timely manner. 

Part II: Church Bylaws Update

Every church is being asked to update their bylaws to recognize the National Leadership Handbook, which binds us in cooperative relationship with one another and supports the ordination process.
Roadmap of Bylaws Update process

Step 1: Attend Regional Conference

At Regional Conferences in Fall 2024, Caleb Maskell (Associate National Director of Theology and Education) and/or Robb Morgan (Managing Director) will explain how churches will be supported in this process from start to finish.

Their presentations will clearly explain the role of Ordination Attestation and formally introduce and explain Local Church Bylaws Updates. Each church should plan on sending its Lead Pastor and a Board Member to its regional conference. 

Regional Conferences will take place in October and November 2024. Exact dates and registration links are on the Events page

If the Lead Pastor and a Board Member from your church can’t make it to Regional Conference, consider sending someone in their place and please closely review this information.  Contact for additional support.

Step 2: Determine Bylaw Pathway

Churches may choose to update their bylaws in one of three ways: 

  • Revise (recommended pathway): Churches may revise their bylaws by adopting of of three template bylaws provided by Vineyard USA.  The three template bylaws reflect three of the most common forms of church governance in Vineyard churches.
  • Amend: Add an amendment to the church bylaws that affirms their Vineyard affiliation and acknowledges the National Leadership Handbook.
  • Discern (recommended pathway): Churches may use this moment to discern a possible change to their governance model. This process will end in a bylaw amendment or revision, but it will be preceded by a structured group discernment process within the local church. 

To support churches as they Revise, Amend, or Discern, Vineyard USA is providing detailed, step-by-step overview of each of these three bylaw pathways. Additionally, at no cost to the church, every Vineyard church will have access to comprehensive bylaw support services.

The work of updating bylaws will begin with a simple intake form, where churches will be invited to signal which pathway they think they may choose and schedule a 1:1 consultative conversation with someone on the Vineyard USA team.

Then, when churches are ready to prepare their updated bylaws, either through revision utilizing one of Vineyard USA’s templates (Revise Pathway) or adding an amendment (Amend Pathway), optional administrative support will be made available through StartCHURCH.

A StartCHURCH Document Specialist, will help you make requested changes to your bylaws, and, if relevant in your situation, can explain available options within the bylaw templates provided by Vineyard USA. After this conversation, StartCHURCH will provide an updated bylaw document for you and draft board meeting minutes to be utilized when your board adopts the new bylaws.

The bylaw update process will likely take at least six weeks to complete from start to finish. In some cases, this process may take a few months to complete. 

Revise Pathway

In the Revise Pathway, churches will adopt entirely new bylaws for local church governance instead of just adding an amendment.

Three bylaw templates are available for preview below. Each template includes customizable options throughout. Because bylaws attend to matters of legal compliance, we strongly encourage churches to refrain from unnecessary edits beyond the built-in customizable options. Download the bylaw templates here.

These templates, written specifically for Vineyard churches, are based on the most common governance models already present within the movement. Each template clarifies the structures of authority, the role of the Lead Pastor and provides healthy accountability structures. 

Like the Amend Pathway, the Revise Pathway acknowledges the National Leadership Handbook and the cooperative relationship between the local church and Vineyard USA.

Understanding the Bylaw Templates

The most common governance structure in the Vineyard puts a great deal of authority in the hands of the Lead Pastor, who is often the Board Chair. At the same time, an increasing number of congregations are asking questions about appropriate ways to empower the Lead Pastor and also hold some greater measure of accountability (e.g., separation of the Lead Pastor role and the Board Chair role). 

Some churches have a Pastoral Team and Board with multiple individuals serving in both roles.

The three bylaw templates capture the most common governance structures present in the Vineyard. In all templates, business authority (financial and legal responsibilities) rests with the Board, but the location of spiritual authority shifts from template to template. 

A. Traditional Board

The Traditional Board is an updated version of the most common form of governance in Vineyard churches. In this model, as in all three models, the Board carries Business Authority. Among other things, they approve the budget and provide counsel and advice to the Lead Pastor, who often serves as the Board Chair.

Importantly, Spiritual Authority resides elsewhere in a Traditional Board. It resides with the Lead Pastor or the Lead Pastor and a Senior Leadership Team with whom the Lead Pastor chooses to share it. The Senior Leadership Team may or may not be paid pastoral staff at the Church. Individuals on a Senior Leadership Team may also serve on the Board, but is particular individuals themselves that serve in both roles, not the whole of the Board itself.

A benefit of this form of governance is that it is familiar in many Vineyard churches. Additionally, the Lead Pastor is directly and clearly empowered in his or her role. Potential limitations of this form of governance are that it can overextend the Lead Pastor and, unlike forms of governance that include Elders, Traditional Boards do not have an inherent, robust pathway for cultivating a team of senior-level spiritual leaders.

The health of a particular church’s governance structure is always dependent on the health and maturity of the leaders within it.

B. Board as Elders

The Board as Elders model of governance is one of the fastest-growing governance models in the Vineyard. Indeed, the Board carries Business Authority (financial and legal responsibilities), except the Board also serves as Elders in the church. This means that the Board is an Elder Board and holds both Business and Spiritual Authority. 

In the Board as Elders model, the Lead Pastor serves as the Lead Elder, though the role of Board Chair is separate. This separation is an accountability structure. 

A benefit of this form of governance is that it formally carves out a space for the Lead Pastor to lead the church and for the Lead Pastor to lead with a team of senior-level spiritual leaders (Elders). The formal inclusion of multiple voices can increase wisdom, health, and discernment. A limitation of this governance model is that it requires Elders, who are senior-level spiritual leaders in the church, to also be wise stewards of financial and legal responsibilities. This is a particular mix of gifts, and sometimes exceptional spiritual leaders are not also wise individuals with expertise in financial and legal decision-making and vice versa. 

The health of a particular church’s governance structure is always dependent on the health and maturity of the leaders within it. 

C. Elders & Board

The Elders & Board model of governance is also becoming more popular. The Board carries Business Authority (financial and legal responsibilities), and the church has Elders, who carry Spiritual Authority. In this model, the Board and Elders are two separate groups, though particular individual(s) may sit on both teams. 

In the Elders & Board model, the Lead Pastor serves as the Lead Elder. The Lead Pastor may or may not sit on the Board, but the Lead Pastor is never the Board Chair. Often, when the Lead Pastor is not on the Board, a different pastor sits on it.

A benefit of this form of governance is that it formally carves out a space for the Lead Pastor to lead the church and for the Lead Pastor to lead with a team of senior-level spiritual leaders (Elders), and the ability to be a wise steward of financial and legal responsibilities need not be a criterion for Eldership. A limitation of this form of governance is that, when unhealthy, the Board can become a passive group that simply approves an annual budget. Additionally, it takes more work to build a robust Elder Team and healthy Board than it takes to build just one group (e.g., the Board in a Traditional Board form of governance or the Elder Board in a Board as Elders form of governance). 

The health of a particular church’s governance structure is always dependent on the health and maturity of the leaders within it. 

Amend Pathway

Churches that pursue the Amend Pathway simply need to add an Amendment to their current bylaws. In many ways, the Amend Pathway is the simplest path forward for the local church, though are important considerations to give attention to. The language for the Amendment is below.

The Amendment binds the local church in cooperative relationship with Vineyard USA and acknowledges Vineyard USA’s National Leadership Handbook. The Amendment affirms local church governance, the previously agreed to commitments of the Trademark License, and affirms the local church’s exclusive ownership of all real property held by the local church. Where the local church bylaws and the National Leadership Handbook, require reconciliation, the spirit and intent of the Handbook shall establish the standard of cooperation expected between Vineyard USA and the local church.

Adding the Amendment to your church’s current bylaws may produce internal inconsistencies within your bylaws, which is problematic because bylaws are court-facing documents. Churches are encouraged to pursue legal counsel to address whatever inconsistencies may be created through the addition of an amendment.

Additionally, in the years ahead, as the National Leadership Handbook is revised to include, for example, additional details pertaining to ordination, new inconsistencies between the local church bylaws and National Leadership Handbook may arise. These inconsistencies can be resolved, though this may require that your church update your bylaws again in a few years.

Churches that chose the Amend Pathway are strongly encouraged to utilize the bylaw review service offered by the Church Law Center to Vineyard churches. The Church Law Center specializes in church bylaws. This review service is available for a flat $200 fee and includes the following:

  • A brief summary of their impression of your bylaws, including possible violations of law and significant deviations from the norms of Vineyard bylaws.
  • If applicable, recommendation of one of the provided bylaw templates in order to resolve legal issues present in the bylaws.
  • For churches that have specific organizational provisions that they would like to address in their bylaws that are not present or resolved through the provided bylaw templates, the Church Law Center can provided an estimate for additional legal support. Depending on the bylaw modification desires of the church, this additional work may be a significant cost.

To utilize this service, contact .

Discern Pathway

Churches that choose the Discern Pathway, its leadership teams will enter into a 6-9 month, formal, structured period of group discernment about church governance models. This time period will end no later than November 1, 2025, and it will conclude with the church having taken the action steps enumerated within the Amend or Revise Pathways. 

Churches that pursue the Discern Pathway will be connected directly with a Spiritual Director who has been specially equipped to support the church leadership teams as they discern their governance structure. The first months of the Discernment time will provide a how-to introduction for group discernment, and the time will conclude with formal discernment around governance questions.

The Discern Pathway may be a wise next step for churches that are interested in actively considering a different governance model than what they currently have in place or are unsure whether they should choose the Amend or Revise Pathways. The Discern Pathway is a slower pathway than Amend and Revise, and in many ways, it is more work. However, it also has great potential to set churches up well for a time of transition or intentional, healthy formation within the governance structure the church already holds. 

Churches that take the Discern Pathway, will also be asked to acknowledge the National Leadership Handbook and the cooperative relationship between the local church and Vineyard USA. However, unlike the Amend and Revise Pathways, churches will not be asked to implement a change to their bylaws (via amendment or revision) by May 1, 2025.

Step 3: Initiate Bylaw Update Process

Churches should officially initiate the bylaw update process through the Bylaws Update Platform. Pastors will be invited to do this during their Regional Conference this fall.

You can initiate your bylaw update even if you’re unsure of the path you’ll be taking.

  • If you think you know which pathway you would like to take, please indicate your pathway – Revise by using Vineyard templates, Amend your existing bylaws, or Discern by participating in a structured discernment process with your leadership team before taking next steps to Revise or Amend.
  • If you plan on revising your bylaws with a template, you will be invited to indicate which template you are interested in.
  • If you are not sure which pathway your church will be pursing, that’s fine!

Indicating which pathway or template you anticipate utilizing at this stage does not determine your final decision or outcome. If in the process of learning more and talking as a board, a church changes its mind you will have ample opportunity to indicate that change and be resourced accordingly.

When you initiate your church bylaw process, you’ll be given the opportunity to schedule a consultation call with someone on the Vineyard USA Bylaws Team. Many churches find it helpful to have an initial consultation conversation with Vineyard USA as they start their bylaw update. In this conversation, we are able to discuss the pathway, and if relevant, the bylaw template(s), you are considering and help clarify next steps for you and your board.

Administrative Support through StartCHURCH

Churches that desire administrative support with bylaw updates may access support through StartCHURCH, which is available at no cost to the local church to prepare your church’s updated bylaws, including, if relevant, the customization options built into the bylaw templates. StartCHURCH will also provide you with draft Board meeting minutes for the future meeting in which your board will adopt the new bylaws and, if applicable, a draft letter of due diligence for you to submit to the IRS.

If requested, Vineyard USA will put you in touch with StartCHURCH during or after your church’s 1:1 consultative call. If you opt not to take an consultation call with Vineyard USA, we will email you a link you can use to access StartCHURCH services, should you desire them.

If your church requires additional compliance support, including help becoming a 501c3 organization, StartCHURCH can also support you. Additional compliances services are available at discounted cost to the local church.

Church Law Center

The bylaw templates and amendment Vineyard USA is providing to churches have been vetted by attorneys who specialize in church bylaws and are acceptable for use in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.

To support churches desiring a final step of due diligence, Vineyard USA has made an arrangement for services with the Church Law Center, a firm with expert knowledge in church bylaws. Prior to adopting their amended or revised bylaws, Vineyard churches may contact the Church Law Center to arrange for a Bylaw Review. This service is available for a flat $200 fee and includes the following:

  • A brief summary of your bylaws, including possible violations of law and significant deviations from the norms of Vineyard bylaws.
  • If applicable, recommendation of one of the provided bylaw templates in order to resolve legal issues present in the bylaws.
  • For churches that have specific organizational provisions that they would like to address in their bylaws that are not present or resolved through the provided bylaw templates, the Church Law Center can provided an estimate for additional legal support. Depending on the bylaw modification desires of the church, this additional work may be a significant cost.

Contact to initiate your church’s bylaw review.

Step 4: Update Bylaws

The Bylaw Update Process is designed to be as simple as it can be, and also, we recognize that this work will produce lots conversation among pastors and boards. Some boards may find it necessary to schedule an extra meeting in order to ensure that they are able to continue to faithfully move forward through the process in the fall and spring. From start to finish, this process is expected to take at least six weeks to complete, and in some cases, it may take several months.

Along the way, pastors and boards may find that more questions come up for them. Here are additional ways to get support through the Bylaw Update Process:

Recommended: Consider including the Vineyard Policy Pack

Bylaws are legal documents that describe the necessary and minimum framework needed for an organization to operate.  However, the work of reviewing and preparing bylaws often prompts recognition of the need for particular policies or updated policies that support healthy operations.  Many policies will vary from church to church.  This is appropriate.  Credit card use and reimbursement policies will change based on the needs of particular churches.  There are also policies with more uniform application, for example, every church needs a robust child and youth protection policy, and while certain policy details may change from church to church, the general framework should be the same everywhere. 

In recognition of these needs, Vineyard USA will be making available to every church a Vineyard Policy Pack, which are essential policies we recommend for adoption within the local church.  These policies have been reviewed by lawyers and professionals with subject-area expertise.  The Vineyard Policy Pack contains the following: 

  • Child and Youth Protection Policy
  • Harassment, Abuse, and Sexual Misconduct Policy 
  • Nepotism Policy 
  • Conflict of Interest Policy 

You are welcome to adopt these policies as is, or if relevant, to add policy details specific to your context (e.g., the Child and Youth Protection Policy may identify the specific part of your church building that is only accessible to children, youth, and volunteers during worship services, etc.).  

In addition to the Vineyard Policy Pack, available here, every church that works with StartCHURCH may choose to access StartCHURCH’s Policy Suite, which contains 55+ customizable policies your church may adopt now or later. Access to StartCHURCH’s Policy Suite is complimentary for Vineyard churches that desires it.

Churches are not required to adopt policies within the Vineyard Policy Pack or other policies available through StartCHURCH, but all churches are encouraged to review their policies and ensure that they are up-to-date.

Step 5: Notify VUSA of Updated Bylaws

The last step in this process is for churches to notify Vineyard USA that they have updated their Bylaws.

Complete this form, which includes a space to upload your final bylaws and a copy of approved minutes from the Board meeting in which the new bylaws were approved. 

All churches, except those who have chosen the Discern Pathway, are being asked to complete this process and upload your bylaws using this form by May 1, 2025. This deadline applies to churches who work with StartCHURCH and those complete the work without the provided administrative support.

Ordination | Talking Points, FAQs and Announcement

March 13, 2024

It is with tremendous excitement that we announce that on March 4, 2024, at Vineyard USA’s annual Leadership meeting in Orlando, an Ordination Process was ratified by a unanimous vote from the Leadership Council of Vineyard USA – the largest governing body of Vineyard USA consisting of all Regional, Area, and Association Leaders. 

Attached you will find the text of the Ordination Process in the Handbook that was ratified. We encourage you to read it and watch the video above that explains the highlights and answers a few key questions that you may have immediately. We have also translated the video transcript into Spanish

I am so grateful to Robb Morgan (Managing Director), the Ordination Lead Team, and the Vineyard USA Leadership Council. This ratification process received the input of more than 100 Vineyard pastors and leaders and culminated in a beautiful, unified commitment to steward the Vineyard movement into the future. 

There is of course much work left to be done to sufficiently answer the questions at the heart of this process: What should a Vineyard pastor be, know, and do? and What should a Vineyard church be, know, and do? Over the next several months, you will receive further communication about our work in this area, including special sessions at the National conference this summer and at your Regional conference this Fall. In Q2 and leading up to the National Conference, you’ll be hearing more from the Ordination Team and me through the SKIM, webcast, and podcasts.

In the meantime, if you have specific questions, please submit them through this form. We also encourage you to reach out to your Area or Regional leader as needed. 


Caleb Maskell and the Ordination Lead Team



  • Ratified into the National Leadership Handbook by unanimous vote of the Leadership Council on March 4, 2024. 
  • The Leadership Council consists of all Regional, Area, and Association Leaders. 
  • The Leadership Council does NOT include National Leadership Team members or Trustees.
  • The Handbook is intended to govern the matters described therein. Changes to the Leadership Handbook shall be approved by the Trustees and presented in a timely manner to the Leadership Council for ratification.
  • The policies and procedures contained within the Handbook are intended to clarify the relationship between Vineyard USA and Vineyard pastors and churches.
  • The Ordination process will “grandfather” all Vineyard pastors ordained prior to June 1, 2025  through an attestation process.
  • The Ordination process outlines a new cooperative process for pastors seeking ordination after June 1, 2025.
  • As part of the implementation of this process, Vineyard churches will need to amend their bylaws to acknowledge the existence of the National Leadership Handbook and the policies and procedures contained therein.
  • The content answering the questions at the heart of our ordination process – What should a Vineyard pastor be, know, and do? and What should a Vineyard church be, know, and do? – will be developed and clarified throughout the remainder of 2024 and the first quarter of 2025.
  • The process of amending local bylaws will be supported by VUSA starting Fall 2024 and communicated at the regional gatherings.
  • The “grandfathering” process for existing ordained Vineyard pastors will begin Fall 2024 and continue through Spring 2025.
  • We will work towards full participation to be celebrated in the summer of 2025. 

Discerning Vineyard Ordination

Key conversations and resources on leading a movement that lasts and the central questions of “What should a Vineyard pastor be, know, and do?”

Podcast Series

Ordination Lead Team

The Ordination Lead Team are helping to think through ways that this process can best serve Vineyard USA, contributing to our stability, clarity, longevity, fidelity, and inclusivity as a movement. 


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Through Vineyard USA’s partnership, take ‘Basic New Testament Interpretation’ course with Dr. Nijay Gupta for free, 40% off Individual Annual Subscriptions, and 30% off Church Site Licenses.