Alpha Online – For Such A Time As This!

Who would have thought that something we used in the early days of our church plant would be just the thing that would serve us and our community so well 30 years later during this global pandemic! Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Each talk looks […]

Una Breve Historia De La Oración, “Ven, Espíritu Santo”

Una Breve Historia De La Oración, “Ven, Espíritu Santo” [VERSION CORTA] En el libro de Juan 20:22, Jesús sopló sobre los discípulos y dijo: “Reciban el Espíritu Santo”. En Hechos 2, los primeros discípulos recibieron y absorbieron el poder del Espíritu Santo que llenaba la habitación donde se reunían. En los años 200, se le […]

Historias De La Viña: Fui Sanada De ELA (Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica)

Testimonio curativo de Judy Efesios 3: 20-21 “Al que puede hacer muchísimo más que todo lo que podamos imaginarnos o pedir, por el poder que obra eficazmente en nosotros, ¡a él sea la gloria en la iglesia y en Cristo Jesús por todas las generaciones, por los siglos de los siglos! Amén. No hay palabras […]

The Holy Spirit At Work In West Africa: An Update From Vineyard Missions

[Original Post By Vineyard Missions USA] Editor’s Note: The names of the nations referenced here have been removed for the protection of individuals and churches. . As some international travel is beginning to open up to limited parts of the world, a few folks have been able to be out and about, and we, at […]

Pastoring Through A Natural Disaster

Dealing with natural disasters is a seemingly ever-increasing reality. Sometimes we find ourselves amid an entire community that’s been affected (e.g. hurricane). Other times, we’re walking with just a couple of people through a more localized situation (e.g. house fire). In any event, understanding the impact natural disasters have on our communities and those who […]

COVID Church Check-In: Mission Vineyard Church

Our church was feeling distanced. Our community and our neighbors were experiencing a sense of isolation. In April we realized that the circumstances surrounding this virus were not going away. Mother’s Day was usually a fun day of celebration for us at the Mission Vineyard, but we were now asking, “what would it look like […]

Being A Monday Morning Church

  :: About Jack Moraine Jack is the founding pastor of Vineyard Community Church (Vineyard Gilbert). He also serves as the Southwest Regional Leader for Vineyard USA. He is the author of the book, “Healing Ministry,” which was published in 2010. Jack has a B.A. in Religion from Grand Canyon University and an M.A. in […]