Wimber & Spirit Ministry Resources

Wimber & Holy Spirit Ministry Resources We want to let you know that we have some great tools available to serve you, your staff, your leaders, and your church, at VineyardDigitalMembership.com. Spirit Ministry training resources (with more on the way): John Wimber, Signs & Wonders Seminar (MC510) Spirit Ministry Tools For Staffs & Congregations (English […]

Introducing HolySpiritStories.org!

Our new website, HolySpiritStories.org, is designed for sharing stories of ordinary people partnering with an extraordinary God – with everyone you know. Each story comes from the new book Come, Holy Spirit, and is written to be encouraging, accessible, and empowering. Sign up on the email list to receive a free download of the new […]

The Mystery Of Uncertainty (John Wimber)

The Mystery Of Uncertainty Living in uncertainty is the vehicle through which the Lord shapes us into holy, mature people, and the means by which he draws us closer to himself as our truest resource. In order to manage the pain that invariably comes our way, we must focus our attention on the Lord and […]

The View From The Valley Isn’t Bad (John Wimber)

The View From The Valley Isn’t Bad “You do not have to sit outside in the dark. If, however, you want to look at the stars, you will find that darkness is required.” —Annie Dillard Managing uncertainty is a matter of utter dependence on the Lord. He is our resource and hope when we face […]

The Management Of Uncertainty (John Wimber)

The Management Of Uncertainty “My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.” Psalm 119:50 Psalm 33:11 says, “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever and the purposes of his heart through all generations .” In response to trials and testings in our lives, we start with the understanding that […]

Trials (John Wimber)

Trials Over and over, we run across the concept in the New Testament that in order to move ahead in the kingdom, we must begin with the small things. In fact, the secrets of the faith are formed in the secret places of your life. Character is based on what you do when the lights […]

Passing the Exam (John Wimber)

Passing the Exam Suffering is an unavoidable part of our Christian experience. Jesus led the way by suffering persecution, ridicule, and eventually, the crucifixion. In James 1:2, we read, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials .” Notice James didn’t say if you encounter trials; he said, when you encounter trials. […]

Living With Uncertainty (John Wimber)

Living With Uncertainty “God whispers in our pleasures, but shouts in our pain.” –C.S. Lewis Tragedy, illness, unforeseeable loss and pain will impact all of us. Isn’t that a reassuring truth? I don’t know anyone who would deliberately sign up for opportunities to suffer. Yet, God uses these experiences to accomplish his purposes in and […]

Be Thankful In Everything — And Peace Will Come (John Wimber)

Be Thankful In Everything — And Peace Will Come “
but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”  (Philippians 4:6) When I thank God, even for difficult situations, my focus is turned to God, who must intervene and help in order to resolve it, rather than on my limited resources. […]

Sin Hinders Answers (John Wimber)

Sin Hinders Answers There are times when a child of God turns his ear away from the voice of God. He tries to block out the corrections, the companionship and the commandments of God. Selfishness (James 4:3), an unforgiving spirit (Matthew 6:9-15, Mark 11:24-26), and cherishing or holding on to known sin (Psalm 66:18, Isaiah […]