God’s Way Or My Way (John Wimber)

God’s Way Or My Way God has reminded me repeatedly that I really do want to be obedient to him. I’ve found myself, from time to time, praying this kind of a prayer, “God, forget about what I’ve done and said in the last few months. I long to obey You. Help me to resist […]

Unanswered Prayer (John Wimber)

Unanswered Prayer No matter how intimate your prayer life is, there are times when it seems that God is not answering. Like author C.S. Lewis described upon the death of his wife, “the heavens are leaden.” Sometimes, I feel like the Lord is not near when trials come my way. I feel like he’s far […]

Praying In The Spirit (John Wimber)

Praying In The Spirit A few years ago, I had the opportunity to visit Jackie Pullinger-To, a woman doing a phenomenal work among drug addicts in Hong Kong. I wanted to know how she was able to lead so many people to the Lord and meet so many needs of the new believers as they […]

A Secret Prayer Life (John Wimber)

A Secret Prayer Life God wants us to develop a secret prayer life with him. Why do I say that? Look at Jesus. Although he taught on public prayer, Jesus repeatedly stressed in his ministry this business of private prayer. “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your […]

Abiding In Intimate Prayer (John Wimber)

Abiding In Intimate Prayer In the Gospel of John, Jesus talks about an absolutely essential element for a quality prayer life. “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you” (John 15:7). The word “remain” here means to live in Jesus, to […]

Intimate Prayer In The Bible (John Wimber)

Intimate Prayer In The Bible There are prayers of startling intimacy throughout the Bible. Many of the significant prayers in the Bible were the personal, intimate cries of the heart, only audible to the God they were intended for. We don’t know what Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his barren wife, Rebekah. […]

Jesus’ Intimacy With His Disciples (John Wimber)

Jesus’ Intimacy With His Disciples Jesus also talks to his disciples in a way that beautifully demonstrates the intimate relationship he had with them. This is a dynamic and profound passage, filled with love, tenderness, and pathos. Jesus has spent three years with these men, and he is now just hours from the end of […]

Jesus’ Intimacy With The Father (John Wimber)

Jesus’ Intimacy With The Father Jesus’ intimacy with the Father set the pattern for us to follow. He demonstrated this intimacy in the way he talked to his Father in prayer. Jesus didn’t use formal, religious language when he prayed. He used dinner table talk of a close family. “Abba” is an Aramaic word most […]

The Importance Of Intimacy (John Wimber)

The Importance Of Intimacy I was raised as an only child in a household where my mother was divorced and had remarried. Both she and my stepfather worked. When I was around five, I discovered music. It became my refuge, my passion. By the time I was eighteen, I had learned to play about seventeen […]

The Value God Places On Us (John Wimber)

The Value God Places On Us This may sound strange, but I’ve never really gotten it straight why God chose me in the first place. I’m always half-expecting the Lord to show up and say, “Everybody who’s going to heaven, take one step forward.” Then he’ll look at me and say, “What are you doing […]