Come, Holy Spirit | 40 Days Of Prayer & Fasting

You are invited to join us for 40 days of prayer and fasting leading up to our 2019 National Conference in July!


June, 14, 2019

Dear Friends,

We have reached the half-way point in our 40 Days Of Prayer & Fasting – thank you for your investment in this important time! Only 20 days to go!

Starting tomorrow (Day 20), we now begin praying specifically for the Vineyard Movement.

The emails will guide us in our prayer focus each day.

I want to invite you to very intentionally connect with the prayer notes that come, and to collectively pray into the future the Lord has for us as a Movement.

Some of the feedback coming in has been amazing, and will be so helpful as we consider all that God wants to do in us, our local churches, and in the Vineyard Movement going forward.

We’ll be sharing some of the fruit of that feedback at the National Conference and over the months to come.

Again, thank you for the great job you are doing investing yourself in this season of prayer!

For the Greater Glory of God, and the well-being of people,


Phil Strout
National Director, Vineyard USA

P.S. Remember to “pray as you can, not as you can’t” (as Richard Foster quoted John Chapman), and to “fast as you can, not as you can’t.” However you pray and fast, it is contributing to all that God is doing.


Get The 40 Days Daily Email & Follow Along!

Would you like to receive an email with prayer prompts each day between May 27 and July 5? Just sign up below and they’ll come to your email address (in English and Spanish).

CLICK HERE to sign up for the 40 Days email list.

You can follow and pray on our Instagram and Facebook pages, and you can also download these resources:

* Please read the Fasting Basics booklet if you’re considering fasting in one form or another. Consult a doctor or medical professional before beginning a fast.


June, 14, 2019

Queridos amigos,

Hemos llegado a la mitad del camino en nuestros 40 días de oración y ayuno. ¡Gracias por tu participación en este tiempo tan importante! ¡Solo faltan 20 días!

Empezando mañana (Día 20), empezaremos a orar específicamente por el movimiento Viña.

Si no estás en la lista de correo de los 40 Días, únete hoy aquí.

Los correos nos guiarán en nuestro enfoque de oración diario.

Quisiera invitarles a conectarse muy intencionalmente con las notas de oración que llegan, y a orar colectivamente por el futuro que el Señor tiene para nosotros como Movimiento.

Algunos de los comentarios que hemos recibido han sido extraordinarios, y serán muy útiles mientras consideramos todo lo que Dios quiere hacer en nosotros, en nuestras iglesias locales, y en el Movimiento Viña de aquí en adelante.

Estaremos compartiendo algo del fruto de esos comentarios en la Conferencia Nacional y además en los meses venideros.

Nuevamente, ¡gracias por la gran tarea que están realizando de invertir de ustedes mismos en esta temporada de oración y ayuno!

Para la Mayor Gloria de Dios y el para bienestar de su pueblo,


Phil Strout

Director Nacional, Vineyard USA

P.D. Recuerda de “orar como puedes, no como no puedas” (como dijo Richard Foster, citando a John Chapman), y de “ayunar como puedes, no como no puedas.” No importa como ores o ayunes, estás contribuyendo a todo lo que Dios está haciendo.


¡Recibe El Correo Electrónico Diario De Los 40 Días y Síguenos!

¿Quisieras recibir un correo diario con sugerencias de oración entre el 27 de mayo y el 5 de julio? Sólo inscríbete debajo y llegarán a tu dirección de correo electrónico (en ingles y en español).
Puedes seguirnos y orar en nuestras páginas de Instagram y Facebook, y además puedes descargar estos recursos:

*Por favor lea el librito de Conceptos Básicos si estás considerando ayunar y orar de alguna manera. Consulta un doctor o un profesional médico antes de empezar un ayuno.


COME, HOLY SPIRIT | 40 Days Of Prayer & Fasting

This is what the Lord says:
“Stand at the crossroads and look; 

ask for the ancient paths, 
ask where the good way is, 
and walk in it, 
and you will find rest for your souls.”
(Jeremiah 6:16a)

Many months ago, our Vineyard USA National Director Phil Strout sensed the invitation from God, “Ask Me,” in relation to the Vineyard Movement across the country – and to invite us all to do the same.

Phil felt that Jeremiah 6:16a was highlighted to him by the Holy Spirit for this asking, discerning season in the Vineyard, and sits at the center of this call to prayer and fasting (see passage above).

In light of this word, we would like to invite you to join with us in 40 days of prayer and fasting leading up to our National Conference, COME, HOLY SPIRIT.

Phil has sensed this season of prayer will have powerful impact on our Vineyard family of churches now and in the future, as God works in and through us far beyond the National Conference in the communities we inhabit.

What Is The Invitation?

Come, Holy Spirit: 40 Days Of Prayer & Fasting is an invitation to each person in the Vineyard Movement to pray and fast for God to move powerfully in our personal, local church, and wider Vineyard life together.

What Are We Praying For?

The heart and theme of the 40 Days Of Prayer Of Fasting is to gather around the Kingdom prayer the Church has prayed in many forms for two thousand years – Come, Holy Spirit – for:

  • the individual’s personal needs (10 days), 
  • the individual’s local church and community (10 days), and 
  • our Vineyard family of churches across the country (20 days).

This season of prayer will culminate with a time of celebration and commission at the National Conference locations in July.

What Are The Dates?

  • Mon., May 27 – Fri., July 5, 2019


We’ll also be sharing an email address at which all participants can share impressions as God moves through this dedicated time of prayer.

We look forward to what the Lord has for all of us as together we spend 40 days praying, “Come, Holy Spirit” with one heart and one voice.

Watch this post for updates.


Vineyard USA Communications

* Please read the Fasting Basics booklet if you’re considering fasting and praying in one form or another. Consult a doctor or medical professional before beginning a fast.