A Letter From Phil: Getting to know Jay and Danielle Pathak

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” - Isaiah 43:19

My fellow pastor,

God has been making ways in the wilderness for His people for a long, long time. He is making a way for you, today,  where there seems to be no clear way ahead. You can trust Him in this – He is at work on your behalf!

There has been so much happening across our Movement this year it is difficult to know where to begin as we near the end of Summer. What I do know is that the Holy Spirit has been in, through, and around our reorganization process in the smallest details. 

The collective thousands of hours of prayer, research by the Re-Org team, discernment times with the Executive Team, input from our pastors across the country, and dedication to walking together through some of the most challenging years of our ministry to date – are all yielding a remarkable result for us and for our future.

God is making a way for the Vineyard, and the crossroads-moment that opened up these last few years of welcoming the Holy Spirit to help us “take the best and go” (Wimber) is a moment that we can continue to go back to as a marker that the Lord is building His Church, and showing us the way forward.

In this Fall’s pastoral letters, you will hear more from Jay Pathak, our National Director-Elect, as we continue to move toward our National Conference and the unfolding story of the Vineyard. One of the best ways to get to know Jay and his wife Danielle is through hearing their story. In April, they shared their story to a group of leaders in a meeting in Phoenix, and I want to share that recording with you today. Take some time this week and listen to Jay and Danielle’s story. I believe you will see how God has shaped them to lead the movement at this time.

Please join me in offering thanks to God for His faithfulness to us through all the changes this year, and please continue to pray for both Jay and I as we transition in a way that pleases the Lord.

Thank you for being a Kingdom leader – you make this Movement what it is, and the wider Body of Christ needs us to keep taking our place wherever He sends us.

Know that Jan and I continue to pray for you, and to thank God for you.

To the Greater Glory of God and the well-being of His people,


Phil Strout

National Director

Vineyard USA


Watch Jay and Danielle’s Story Here: