2023 In Review with Jay and Danielle Pathak

In the final episode of the We Are Vineyard podcast for 2023, Jay and Danielle Pathak chat about some things they’re excited about from this year, some things they were surprised by, and what they’re looking forward to in 2024. You’ll hear about some initiatives through Vineyard USA, such as Financial Health cohorts for pastors and the partnerships happening with our Associate National Directors on the regional level, and get more information about opportunities to gather together in 2024.
As a reminder, we’ll take a break for January, but we have some awesome plans for Season 3, which launches February 7th!
Show Notes:
Listen to sessions from some of our Regional gatherings: https://vineyardusa.org/2023-regional-conferences/
Financial Well-being of Pastors Initiative: https://vineyardusa.org/financial-well-being-of-pastors-initiative/
Evangelical Covenant Church: https://covchurch.org/
2024 Better Together Conference: https://bettertogether.vineyardusa.org/