Know The Theologians with Jennifer and David McNutt

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Caleb Maskell (Associate National Director of Theology and Education) talks with Jennifer and David McNutt. Jennifer shares about growing up as the daughter of two pastors, receiving her call to ministry at the age of ten, and experiencing a time of discovery in college. David talks about growing up in the Church of Christ and eventually attending Princeton Seminary where he met Jennifer. David and Jennifer share their desire to bridge the academy and the church in an accessible way, and how their book “Know the Theologians” is like a family reunion. They talk about what we can learn from all who came before us, the value in discovering that the big issues of our day rhyme with the past, and why humanizing historical figures really matters. 

Jennifer Powell McNutt (PhD, University of St Andrews) is Franklin S. Dyrness Chair of Biblical and Theological Studies and associate professor of theology and history of Christianity at Wheaton College. She is the author of the forthcoming The Mary We Forgot: What the Apostle to the Apostles Teaches the Church Today (Brazos, 2024) and award-winning author of Calvin Meets Voltaire: The Clergy of Geneva in the Age of Enlightenment, 1685-1798 (Routledge, 2014) and the co-editor of the forthcoming The Oxford Handbook of the Bible and the Reformation (OUP, 2024) and The People’s Book(IVP Academic, 2017). 

David W. McNutt (PhD, University of Cambridge) is senior acquisitions editor at Zondervan Academic, an imprint of HarperCollins Christian Publishing. He is also an associate lecturer of Core Studies at Wheaton College, where he teaches courses in theology, theology and the arts, and philosophical aesthetics.

They are the co-authors of Know the Theologians (Zondervan, 2024), they are both ordained ministers in the Presbyterian Church, and they are the co-founders of McNuttshell Ministries, a teaching, preaching, and writing ministry that bridges the church and the academy by sharing the Christian faith “in a nutshell.” 


Show Notes:
Know The Theologians by Jennifer Powell McNutt and David W. McNutt 

McNuttshell Ministries  

The Know Series by Zondervan 

Strange Religion by Nijay K. Gupta

Social Media: 

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Vineyard History and Identity Resources: 

The Way It Was by Carol Wimber 

The Quest For The Radical Middle by Bill Jackson 

Empowered Evangelicals by Rich Nathan and Ken Wilson

“I’m a Fool For Christ”– John Wimber’s testimony


April 17, 2024