In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay chats with Todd Proctor about the shaping effects of worship on his life, how the changing worship culture intersected with his discovery of the Vineyard, and his first experience with prophetic prayer ministry. Todd shares about the mentoring he received from Don Williams, and his belief that impactful relational moments are key for investing in the upcoming generation of leaders. Jay and Todd talk about their shared love of Alpha, some interesting things Todd is noticing happening through the ministry right now, and the surprising community impacts that churches are seeing as Alpha becomes part of their church culture.
As Executive Vice President of Strategic Church Engagement, Todd Proctor has served on Alpha USA’s leadership team for seven years. He is passionate about creating experiences and facilitating conversations that help key leaders reposition their communities for evangelistic impact in an increasingly post-Christian reality.
Prior to joining Alpha, Todd founded Rockharbor Church in Costa Mesa, CA, where he served for 15 years as Lead Pastor. He experienced Alpha’s impact firsthand, as Rockharbor became a pioneering hub church for the organization in the Southern California region. Todd watched as Alpha created a safe space for members to openly discuss matters of faith, as well address needed cultural shifts in the church in areas such as hospitality, relational evangelism and dependence on the Holy Spirit.
A natural networker, Todd has had the opportunity to build bridges with leaders and communities across the nation. In collaboration with the Exponential Conference, Todd co-authored the book, “Empowered,” which offers pastoral perspectives on life and leadership in the Spirit. Todd received a bachelor’s degree in Communication from Biola University, where he met his wife, Lisa. They have been married for almost 30 years, and have four children.
Show Notes:
Vineyard USA suggested reading for September
Alpha Booklet “Why Jesus” by Nicky Gumbel