Healing In The NICU

Daniel Putman, Healing Ministries Pastor at The Vineyard Church in Urbana, IL shares a miraculous story of healing.

I have a cool testimony from about three weeks ago. I was the pastor-on-call within our church. That means if there is an incident or a need in the community, we go out and serve or pray or whatever is needed. We had an incident: a baby was born prematurely and was having lung issues. There’s this condition with underdeveloped lungs sometimes, where there is this air bubble that grows alongside the lungs, and if that pops, the child will likely die. So this kid is in trouble 
 intensive care, lots of tubes.

I went in and talked to the family. They weren’t members of our church; the mother didn’t really attend anywhere, but they had been referred to us by someone in our church. So I go into her room, and I’m praying for the mom and she was all torn up. I went and saw the baby in the NICU. I couldn’t touch the baby, of course, but I put my hand over the glass and just started praying bold prayers like, “Jesus, you’ve beaten death. For you, this isn’t that hard for you to heal.” The baby started moving around (he had been asleep before I started praying).[bctt tweet=”I put my hand over the glass and prayed bold prayers & the baby started moving. – Daniel Putman” quote=”I put my hand over the glass and just started praying bold prayers like, “Jesus, you’ve beaten death. For you, this isn’t that hard for you to heal.” The baby started moving around (he had been asleep before I started praying).”]

On all the future X-rays and exams, they couldn’t find the bubble. Three days later, the kid was going home.

Daniel Putman, Healing Ministries Pastor, The Vineyard Church, Urbana, Illinois

Vineyard USA Day of Giving

On August 4th, 2024 Vineyard USA will be launching our first annual Day of Giving titled Seed & Soil: Celebrating 50 Years of the Vineyard. In this unique moment in our history, we want to celebrate all God has done in and through the Vineyard. We invite you to give and support the work of local churches across the country.