Frequently Asked Questions

Updated: May 31, 2022

As GRACE defines it in the report, this assessment defines “clergy misconduct” as occurring when a member of the clergy, who holds a position of authority and trust, uses that power to exploit or violate an individual under their authority, care, or mentorship.

This often includes first developing an emotional and spiritual connection, then exploiting it.

Clergy misconduct may include any verbal, nonverbal and/or physical acts of an immoral, indecent, or sexual nature that are 1) unwelcome; or 2) performed without consent; or 3) committed upon an individual under the clergy member’s authority, care, or mentorship.

“Without consent” means that consent is not freely given or obtained, and is accomplished through force, intimidation, violence, manipulation, coercion, threat, deception, or misuse of authority or power.

Clergy misconduct may also include spiritual abuse, a form of emotional abuse using religion.

Examples of spiritual abuse include but are not limited to using spirituality or spiritual authority to dismiss a person’s perspective, agency, or value; invoking spiritual authority to manipulate a person into meeting the needs of the abuser; abuse that occurs in a religious context by a religious leader; attempts to use theology or spirituality to put their leadership or decisions beyond questioning or accountability; and attempts to spiritualize or justify harm using theology or spirituality. 

GRACE reviewed hundreds of pages of relevant emails, social media communications, and
text messages, as well as several audio recordings provided by multiple witnesses.

17 individuals agreed to speak with GRACE as part of the assessment, including Mr. Medearis. The interview with Mr. Medearis was recorded and transcribed. Subsequently, Mr. Medearis revoked his consent to reference any content of his interview. GRACE, therefore, omitted all content from Mr. Medearis’s GRACE interview from the Executive Summary.

To help mitigate the impact on the victims, we will only issue the report to those who request it and when it is deemed important and necessary to give access to the report. If you would like more information or if you believe it is necessary for you to review this report, please reach out to .

GRACE conducts independent investigations by a Christ-centered, trauma-informed multi-disciplinary team. GRACE’s mission is to empower Christian communities to recognize, prevent, and respond to abuse. Learn more about GRACE.