Prayer Is Opening The Door (John Wimber)

Along the way, the Lord began speaking to me concerning prayer. He taught me that intimacy with God isn’t measured by the length of time I spend on my knees each day.

Prayer Is Opening The Door

“Along the way, the Lord began speaking to me concerning prayer. He taught me that intimacy with God isn’t measured by the length of time I spend on my knees each day. For me, intimate prayer is a continual conversation with God that lasts throughout the day. Intimate prayer is vital and important, but to fully enter into it, we must first understand the basis for this type of prayer. Someone once described prayer as an adventure. It is that. But prayer is also the door to a deep satisfying relationship with our heavenly Father. Intimate prayer can open that door.”

John Wimber, Prayer: Intimate Communication (Anaheim: Vineyard Ministries International, 1997), 11.

Get John Wimber resources here.

Vineyard USA Day of Giving

On August 4th, 2024 Vineyard USA will be launching our first annual Day of Giving titled Seed & Soil: Celebrating 50 Years of the Vineyard. In this unique moment in our history, we want to celebrate all God has done in and through the Vineyard. We invite you to give and support the work of local churches across the country.