Born Again (John Wimber)

Born Again “My intimacy with God has nothing to do with my performance; it has everything to do with his commitment to me. Jesus Christ offers you and me the relationship that he had with the Father before the world was formed (that’s part of what Jesus prayed in John 17:21-26, and Jesus gets his […]

The Basis For Intimate Prayer (John Wimber)

The Basis For Intimate Prayer “I don’t have intimate prayer with the Father based on my good attitudes or actions. I come on the basis of his righteousness. He justified, established, sanctified, called, saved and brought me into the same relationship that he had with the Father before the world was founded. He hears me […]

Nurturing Our Relationship With God (John Wimber)

Nurturing Our Relationship With God “There’s an ebb and flow in all relationships. There are times when I’m much more intimate with the Father, and times when I’m much less intimate with him. There are times when I feel like he loves me, and there are other times when everything in me denies that. Relationship […]

An Intimate Understanding (John Wimber)

An Intimate Understanding “Intimacy must begin with an intimate understanding of who you are talking to. As a young Christian, I had the misconception of God the Father as someone rather austere and far off  in the heavens. I had the notion that one of the reasons that Jesus sat before the throne of God […]

Intimacy Begins With Personal Relationship (John Wimber)

Intimacy Begins With Personal Relationship “Intimacy begins with personal relationship. You can’t be emotionally intimate with someone you don’t know. The New Testament gives us a glimpse into the intimate relationship between the Father and the Son. Even after a full day of preaching, healing, casting out demons, dealing with hostile religious leaders, and hearing […]

Prayer Is Opening The Door (John Wimber)

Prayer Is Opening The Door “Along the way, the Lord began speaking to me concerning prayer. He taught me that intimacy with God isn’t measured by the length of time I spend on my knees each day. For me, intimate prayer is a continual conversation with God that lasts throughout the day. Intimate prayer is […]

The Father Is Glad To Hear From Us (John Wimber)

The Father Is Glad To Hear From Us “Being intimate with the Father, talking to him throughout the day, sharing my deepest feelings and thoughts with him – that’s the kind of interchange God wants to have with me (and you) on a continual basis. Our heavenly Father is glad to hear from us, and […]

Jesus Shines Clearly (John Wimber)

Jesus Shines Clearly “What I discovered is that the view from the valley isn’t so bad. In fact, it gives you a focus on Christ that you can’t get any other way. Have you ever noticed that the stars shine brighter in the desert? There are no obstructions, no distractions or competing lights. The view […]

Disciples Are Trained, Not Born

A Strategic Plan He prepared them to lead the church born in Pentecost. His strategy for winning the world was simple: win a few men and women to Christ, train them well, and release them to repeat the process over again. We can learn much about discipleship by studying how Jesus trained the Twelve. Christ’s […]