A Letter From Phil | May 2020

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Maine, where we are still waiting for the full reality of spring! Last week I was chatting with a pastor in Arizona where it was 105 degrees, while that morning it was spitting snow in Maine …not a complaint, just a fact.

As you know, there are so many different realities in various parts of the country, that it is challenging to keep up. Some states are loosening up their directives, others are holding the line, and still others are saying they may implement even stricter mandates. I am sure the one you are paying attention to is the one in your state, so good for you.

As we hear about a few places that are opening up and churches that are planning the re-gathering of their congregations, we pray that each of you will have wisdom, courage, and kindness as you discern your way forward. It is good that we have been praying that prayer for the last several years. We had no idea what was coming, but here we are.

I have been deeply blessed by all the effort that our Vineyard churches, pastors, and leaders have given in this season. I have been on calls with leaders from twenty-five different groups, movements, and denominations, and can tell you that we have all been facing the same things and cheering for each other all along the way.

May I say in a simple way, that I am thankful for each and every one of you. These days have been no small challenge, and I know you continue to go about loving your family and communities well, serving and sharing what you have, and looking to see God at work in it all. As stories are told later, you will have your own to share and God will be exalted in all things!

Please know that our Vineyard USA staff continue to lift up both you and your cities each week in prayer.

For the Greater Glory of God, and the well-being of people,

Phil Strout
National Director, Vineyard USA