A Letter From Vineyard Missions

Dear Friends,

I continue to be amazed and thrilled at how God is at work around the world and how we get to be a part of seeing the Kingdom break into the lives of people, bringing redemption to entire families and communities around the globe. So many of our Vineyard churches are actively participating, serving, and coming alongside leaders who are ministering to those within their own tribes and neighborhoods. We see churches planting churches in many diverse cultures and people groups. God is using us to minister His love to “the ends of the earth.”

I am encouraged to see so many Vineyards in the U.S. catching this vision and joining together to participate in a Vineyard partnership that is focusing on long-term, strategic work in another nation. We in the Vineyard love to stand in the tension of both/and. It is not our neighborhoods OR the nations. We are called to the neighborhoods AND the nations. We invest in leaders at home and leaders abroad. By doing both/and in the Kingdom, our efforts are multiplied, not divided, because each impacts the other. Our big God is never just doing one thing!

As we begin Thanksgiving season here in the United States, join me in thanking God for all He is doing in the earth. I marvel that we get to be a small part in it. Did you know that Chile has just been released as their own Association of Vineyard Churches (AVC)? In fact, in the past two years, we have seen a few AVCs released, including the Himalayan Region and Brazil, for instance. This is great progress toward the vision the Lord has given us of “learning to plant thousands” of churches. Thanks be to God! Let’s thank Him for the work into which He is inviting us individually, as church communities, and as a movement to join Him. It is a privilege to serve on His team.

How are you and your church engaged internationally? We’d love to hear from you. If you have any missions stories or experiences you would like to share with us, or if you have any questions at all about missions, please do not hesitate to contact our team at . We are here to serve you!

Blessings in Christ,

Mark Fields
Director, Vineyard Missions USA


Vineyard Missions equips U.S. Vineyard churches to participate in the mission of God around the world. We provide tools and support helping to facilitate and coordinate the cross-cultural work of US Vineyard churches as they pursue their God-given call to the nations. Our ultimate goal is to mobilize church planting movements in every nation and to develop indigenous leaders to pastor their communities.