Acting On Our Beliefs (John Wimber)

Whether it is prayer for the sick or devotional Bible study, when we make commitments to the Lord to act on our beliefs, we can expect the enemy to challenge them.

Acting On Our Beliefs

“Whether it is prayer for the sick or devotional Bible study, when we make commitments to the Lord to act on our beliefs, we can expect the enemy to challenge them. What happens when you decide to start reading the Bible daily? All hell breaks loose when you sit down and attempt to read it. The enemy will supply you with a million reasons not to do it. That’s his job; you’ve got to admit, he’s good at it. But if you will accept that challenge, and read anyway, you’ll find that you’re reading with more and more understanding. From there, you will continue to gain momentum and skill.”

John Wimber, Living With Uncertainty (Anaheim: Vineyard Ministries International, 1996), 6.

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