Age Doesn’t Matter

Gail Conwell, Co-pastor of the Mountain Vineyard, Kent, Washington, invites us to see that "Everyone Gets To Play."

Since I’ve been in the Vineyard, I’ve been interested in the children. I actually teach first grade in the public schools. As I’ve gotten into my 60s — and as a pastor’s wife — I admit I’ve been a bit confused about what God has called me to. There is so much to do in so many areas of a church.

But what I love to see and what I have always loved to see is the little children come to Christ … and then hang around the church long enough to get discipled and learn to know and love Christ. There is a lady in our church that is truly gifted with evangelism: she has this little storyboard, and this great way of talking to kids, and they listen to her, and they accept Christ and are enthusiastic and joyful.

This past year, I was working at a kids’ camp, and I was really praying that I wanted to lead kids to Christ and that I wanted to be effective at it. But I was having doubts because of my age. What kids were going to listen to the old lady talking? But I prayed, and I was talking to the group, and it was so sweet to see the little kids joyfully raise their hands when I was done. They were choosing Christ in their hearts based on what I was saying.

I wanted to share that with you because of what Phil (Strout) said at the conference here: [bctt tweet=”It doesn’t matter that I’m all gray, these kids were so excited. – Gail Conwell @vineyardusa” quote=”It doesn’t matter that I’m all gray and these are little kids. They were so excited, and so was I.”]

It doesn’t matter that I’m all gray and these are little kids. They were so excited, and so was I.

Gail Conwell, Co-Pastor, Mountain Vineyard, Kent, Washington

Vineyard USA Day of Giving

On August 4th, 2024 Vineyard USA will be launching our first annual Day of Giving titled Seed & Soil: Celebrating 50 Years of the Vineyard. In this unique moment in our history, we want to celebrate all God has done in and through the Vineyard. We invite you to give and support the work of local churches across the country.