At Peace When There Is No Peace (John Wimber)

When you come to God in intimate prayer and lay your burdens at his feet, the Bible says there will be a result.

At Peace When There Is No Peace

“When you come to God in intimate prayer and lay your burdens at his feet, the Bible says there will be a result. ā€œAnd the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesusā€ (Philippians 4:7). I can be at peace in times when there is no peace, in circumstances in which I should not have peace. I can be at peace while Iā€™m waiting for him to fulfill his promise to me, which is to meet the need that Iā€™ve brought to him.”

John Wimber, Prayer: Intimate Communication (Anaheim: Vineyard Ministries International, 1997), 20.

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