Better Together: Race, Reconciliation, And The Multiethnic Church

Better Together: Race, Reconciliation, and The Multiethnic Church is a new EQ Summit, the national equipping event series of Vineyard USA.


Recent events in the United States, and around the world, have evidenced the need for the Body of Christ to be an agent of God’s reconciliation in society.

This unique and important conference is focused on the topic of diversity. We are gathering to engage Vineyard pastors and leaders on the issue of racial reconciliation, planting multiethnic churches, and/or transitioning current homogenous churches into multiethnic ones.

The conference will be hosted by the Evanston Vineyard in Evanston, IL, Nov. 15-17, 2016, and the full registration cost is $85/person. Speakers include Geno Olison, Rich Nathan, Dr. Korie Edwards, Dr. Michael Emerson, Dr. Charles Montgomery, Homero Garcia, Le Que Heidkamp, Steve Nicholson, and Phil Strout.

Check it out and register here.

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