Body, Soul, And Born-Again Spirit (John Wimber)

We are all three dimensional in reflection of the makeup of God. We consist of body, soul, and spirit.

Body, Soul, And Born-Again Spirit

“We are all three dimensional in reflection of the makeup of God. We consist of body, soul, and spirit. The body we are well acquainted with; the soul is our mind, intellect, and personality, which we are also acquainted with; and then we have a spiritual dimension. As a result of being born again, the Spirit of God comes into us, indwells and reinvigorates us. He renews our spirit, brings it to life as the Scripture says. So the result is body, soul, and born-again spirit.

Now, we know that our mind operates our tongue, or at least it should. On occasion, we don’t get our mind in gear before our tongue starts talking. But did you realize that your spirit can run your tongue the same way your mind can? There is a tremendous dimension of self-edification in praying in the Spirit. When I am at a low point, one of the ways I’ve found to get replenished is to go off by myself, read the Word and pray in the Spirit. As I pour out my heart to God in my most intimate prayers, I have found I move back and forth between my natural language and spiritual language.”

John Wimber, Prayer: Intimate Communication (Anaheim: Vineyard Ministries International, 1997), 14.

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