Cambodia Trip Snapshot

Jeff Cannell, Pastor of Central Vineyard in Ohio, talks about his most recent trip to Cambodia. He says, “We sent people out in groups of three on prayer walks. My group literally prayed at each fork on our paths whether to go left or right...we ended up in a marsh containing a shelter…."

Vineyard Discipleship Training: Miraculous Ministry

Once again Monira Evans planned the most amazing trip to Cambodia for us. She leads and facilitates all the different ministry and outreaches that happen on our Vineyard Missions Partnership trips!

What a week. I’m so grateful for how well the Discovery Bible Study/Disciple Multiplication training has been received. The last two days of our first training were solely occupied with assisting several small groups as they do the studies for themselves. So many people have been able to develop confidence and skills.

Prophetic Prayer Walking

On Wednesday we sent people out in groups of threes on prayer walks. I went along with three women from the Preah Vihear province. They literally prayed at each fork on our paths whether to go left or right. We were in a maze outside the village where we could not see beyond any turn of the path.

We ended up in a marsh containing a shelter made of an 8- x 10-foot broken-down pallet floor resting 4 inches above the mud and covered by a rusty tin roof. Two parents and two children lived in this “house.” In 12 years of visiting Cambodia, this was one of the most impoverished living situations I had ever seen.

The women from Preah Vihear had prophetic words for them. We found out that the husband was a nominal Christian who had abandoned his faith at his wife’s insistence. She was a staunch Buddhist/Animist. The whole family wore spirit belts and charms in an attempt to keep tormenting spirits away from them.

Miraculous Repentance, Conversion, and Baptism

Based on the weeping prayer and prophetic words, the wife surrendered her life to Jesus, much to the astonishment of her husband. He recommitted his life to Jesus. They followed us back to our meeting place to share what Jesus had done.

They tore off their spirit belts and necklaces and burned them on the spot! Then a couple of the Khmer Vineyard Leaders baptized them on the spot!

Future Equipping

We have refined our teachings significantly; on future trips, it will be much easier to equip people. Now that we have translators who understand the equipping and share our vision, we can include many people in resourcing our churches so we can reproduce in a viral fashion.

Team Dynamics

Peter has been an amazing “Fixer/MacGyver” on this trip. He is a stabilizing influence for Ian, Curtis, and me. His non-anxious presence as we maintain a crazy schedule has been God’s grace to us. Curtis is 24, so he has had the easiest time with the fatigue, but he did become ill. When helping with children’s ministry Ian endured five hours straight of 30 children “attacking” him.

Jesus’ Astounding Work at Asia’s Hope – A Visit to Battambang Campus!

Savorn at Asia’s Hope has been tremendously helpful in connecting us with resources. I was astonished at the Asia’s Hope Battambang Campus. The Holy Spirit covers that campus like a thick fog. Asia’s Hope acquired the property just in time; the property value has increased 10-fold, and at our Children’s Homes there are multi-million-dollar developments being built on both sides and across from the Asia’s Hope Campus. The day I traveled by tuk-tuk to the Asia’s Hope campus, my driver had never been there. I began sharing Jesus with him. Turns out, one of the parents at our home was a childhood friend of my driver, and they got to reconnect. Total divine appointment!

Audio Bibles for Non-Literate Cambodians

After two hours of research, I was able to get the exact Khmer name for each book of the Bible as well as figure out how to look up specific references in Khmer to paste into documents. I downloaded MP3s in Khmer for every book and chapter of the Bible: 1,189 separate files!

While on the ground, I endeavored to recode every file with a Khmer ID3 tag, and then burn the files to 100 SD cards so non-literate villagers can listen to the Bible. We did the conference again starting the next Sunday in a 100% non-literate village. I feverishly put together Khemer Audio Bibles for everyone. Most important in this project is offering correctly formatted SD cards that can be played from cheap mobile phones. This was a last minute addition to our outreach conferences and an amazing opportunity, so we were happy to push through to be able to provide the Bibles for everyone.

Until my next update – blessings,



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