Come Holy Spirit | Super Early Registration

Our 2019 National Conference | Come Holy Spirit registration is open! Plan to be with us for this historic event, celebrating our heritage.

Super Early Registration (Until March 15)

A Note From Christian Weber

Being a planner, like myself, it’s a no brainer for me to save a couple hundred dollars on something I already know I’m doing – attending the National Conference! However, in the off chance you haven’t thought about it yet – you might want to get on it! March 15 is the last day for Super Early registration pricing, save yourself some cash and register today!

I can’t wait to spend some time in worship and focusing on the Holy Spirit’s presence in my life. I’m showing up with expectation, are you?

–Christian Weber, Vineyard USA Events


Spirit Ministry & The Local Church

Registration is now open for our 2019 National Conference!

Choose your location this year – Ohio or Colorado!

The Spirit has been leading us to make this important conference the most accessible possible to everyone traveling across the country – by hosting the same conference in 2 locations. Two locations, one amazing conference.

DAYTON, OH – July 8-11, 2019
Dayton Vineyard
4051 Indian Ripple, Beavercreek, OH 45440

DENVER, CO – July 15-18, 2019
Faith Bible Chapel (Partner Church)
6250 Wright St, Arvada, CO 80004

NC Website:

We are excited about this powerful time of power ministry and vital teaching being planned, to renew our commitment to our sacred trust in the Vineyard, as Don Williams said in 2011:

“…God has given the Vineyard a sacred trust: a solid biblical theology of the Kingdom (living in the eschatological tension), reliance on the power and gifts of the Spirit for ministry in the context of church planting and building for mission, and the call to warfare against all the powers of darkness…. The Vineyard’s gift to the larger church will be its stewardship of the Kingdom of God message and ministry of Jesus in the power of the Spirit for today….”

Visit the National Conference page for updates, and begin making your plans!