Everyone Gets To Play: Everyone Gets In On The Party

In this article, we explore how God has called us each uniquely, but together, to join in with His Kingdom work to "do the stuff".

Commissioned by Jesus

So, how can you experience commissioning from Jesus? It’s really worth the effort. No two people experience this commissioning in the same way. Jesus is our creator and knows our hearts better than anyone else. He formed us with a particular destiny: to carry on the work of his kingdom in the midst of a complicated, difficult world. Here are three steps to start on this journey:

First, look for some people who are experiencing Jesus’ call in a way that is compelling to you. Go be around them. Watch how they live. They’ll never be perfect (remember the “already-not yet” concept?). Don’t let their imperfections disillusion you. But when they are at their best, pay attention. Ask questions.

Second, ask for them to show you how to “do the stuff.”Ask to pray for the sick with them. Ask to serve alongside them in church or in the community. Ask if you can try leading for a week in the group they are heading up. You’ll find that Jesus’ people are typically pretty enthusiastic to show others how to do what they’re doing. If you pursue some who aren’t, move on until you find some who really want to include you.

It’s surprising how quickly Jesus can turn us from trainees to trainers. Share on X

Third, be ready to give it all away. It’s surprising how quickly Jesus can turn us from trainees to trainers. Be on the lookout for people you can help grow into the destiny that Jesus has for them. You’ll be amazed at how ready God is to empower the next group of people to do his kingdom ministry.

You Unique Role

Don’t expect your Jesus-ministry to look like anyone else’s. Everyone gets to play, and we all have a different part. We all have vocations, or callings, that are meaningful to God and reveal his heart to the world in a special way. Whether we join God’s kingdom work in our workplaces or neighborhoods, we can engage with what God is doing in those unique environments. The beauty of the kingdom is that everyone has their own roles, and it can all come together to reveal the beauty of what God is doing in the world – and what he will one day bring to completion.