Facing An Uncertain Future (John Wimber)

What does it mean for a Christian to be faced with an uncertain future? How do we reconcile, for example, the healing of one and the seemingly unanswered prayers for another?

Facing An Uncertain Future

“What does it mean for a Christian to be faced with an uncertain future? How do we reconcile, for example, the healing of one and the seemingly unanswered prayers for another? The Lord has not left us without answers in his Word, nor has he left us alone in our suffering. The Scriptures give us instructions for the management of the pain we invariably encounter. And they really work, as I’ve found out. Beyond these, we need to accept the mysteries of his plan for us as humans. God is sovereign. He may choose a path for us that we would not choose for ourselves.

In all of this, however, we have him as our resource and our peace. The bottom line is that we have security in the knowledge of the Lord’s plan for us to spend eternity with him. Nothing can ultimately vanquish us, and that’s good news, folks.”

John Wimber, Living With Uncertainty (Anaheim: Vineyard Ministries International, 1996), 3-4.

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