Get Connected And Equipped Through Vineyard Missions

The Vineyard Missions office serves as a connection point for Vineyard USA churches to collaborate globally and as a resource to help equip our churches for effective cross-cultural ministry.

Vineyard Missions equips and mobilizes Vineyard USA churches to participate in the mission of God around the world. We provide tools and support to help facilitate and coordinate the cross-cultural work of U.S. Vineyard churches as they pursue their God-given call to the nations.

Watch “Getting Started In Missions Partnerships”

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Our ultimate goal is to mobilize church planting movements in every nation and to develop indigenous leaders to pastor their communities. The Vineyard Missions office serves as a connection point for Vineyard USA churches to collaborate globally and as a resource to help equip our churches for effective cross-cultural ministry. Led by a national Missions Leadership Team, we work to assist our partnerships in fulfilling God’s vision, while strengthening and encouraging indigenous national leaders all around the world. At the same time, we keep our finger on the pulse of what is happening in churches’ missions efforts, so we can report back and share stories for the encouragement and growth of our entire movement.

It’s All About Relationship

Engaging in global ministry starts with relationship. Vineyard Missions builds missional relationships in our movement by connecting Vineyard USA churches that desire to partner and play a role in overseas church-planting efforts with each other and in collaboration with indigenous leaders in their own country. As connections occur and relationships are formed, we provide ongoing training, tools, and resources that are critical to success. We strive to equip Vineyard churches to make international connections, raise up indigenous leaders, and create a sustainable church presence.

An Entire Team Is Here To Help

The Missions Leadership Team serves U.S. Vineyard churches and missions partnerships within their areas of expertise. Missions regional coordinators serve our partnership leaders in their efforts within their respective regions:

  • Caribbean
  • Europe
  • Latin America
  • Middle East/North Africa/Central Asia
  • South & East Asia
  • Sub-Saharan Africa

Our missions specialists strengthen our churches’ missional efforts in specific areas. For instance, to our partnership leaders, we provide coaching and learning cohorts, an annual training retreat, and  even communication tools for sharing partnership vision. We come alongside churches and partnerships as they select, send, and care for missionaries, including providing expertise in crises. And we help partnerships develop cross-cultural skills and use missions “best practices.”

Meet our Missions Leadership Team at: