Go Fishing | A Story From Pathway Vineyard

In a season where many are asking, "Who is the Church?",  Allen Austin (Senior Pastor, Pathway Vineyard) shares Pathway's story of leading people to Jesus through the message of the simple Gospel, and offers encouragement for us to continue "going fishing" ...because nothing can stop the power of the Gospel to reach and transform human hearts.

“As much as culture changes, I think the broken condition of the heart remains the same – as does the radical, pursuing, gracious nature of God. He’s going after human beings. He’s knocking on their hearts. I think he is continuing to ask us to play our part in this – to go fishing once in a while and throw our nets out there.”


Allen Austin is the senior pastor of Pathway Vineyard, a multi-site church with locations in Brunswick, Gray, and Lewiston Maine. Allen has called the Vineyard his home since 1991. Allen’s faith journey and pastoral experience has been primarily dedicated to what John Wimber called “the main and the plain” – doing the simple work of loving God, loving neighbors, and sharing the Gospel. Allen and his wife Darlin have two adult children, Jennah and Erik, one son-in-law, KP, and one very cute, very new grandson, Kai – all of whom they adore.