Hello friends,
On our flight home from CA a couple weeks ago Jim and I had a chance to pray for a 14-year-old girl who was flying to be with her grandparents for a week in DC. On the flight Jim got to talk with L**** for a while and she shared some of her medical conditions. She told Jim that from birth she has been missing the part that attaches her kneecaps to her knee which caused great pain some days to the point where she couldn’t walk, and esp. not go out for sports. And that she was currently taking 3 different types of asthma inhalers for pretty severe asthma along with breathing machines at night. She was scheduled for knee replacement surgery when she got back to LA.
After we all got off the plane Jim and I asked if we could pray for her; she was very open to the idea. So we dropped our luggage and right there at the gate, we laid hands on her and prayed for healing. We asked God to fully restore her knees and her lungs and commanded the cartilage (or whatever was supposed to be between her kneecap and her knee) to grow in Jesus’ name. We also got a sense that there was some strife happening in her family and that God wanted her to know He loves her and that He wanted to remove the guilt/shame she is feeling over it all. We prayed, said our goodbyes, and Jim handed her our Vineyard card and asked her to let us know if anything changed medically or otherwise from the prayer.
We dropped our luggage & right there at the gate we prayed for healing. -Jim Bleakley Share on XWe just received this response from her today…
We hope this encourages you as it has us to keep taking risks and stepping out in faith to pray. We serve a powerful and loving God 🙂
Date: Aug 3, 2013 4:11 PM
Subject: Prayer
To: cvillevineyard
On a flight to Washington DC to visit my grandparents I met a wonderful family from your community. I don’t quite remember their names but I think the the man’s name was Jim. Anyway, I talked to him for a little while on the plane about life and I mentioned I have bad asthma and knee problems. I was going to have knee replacements and routine visits to the hospital. I also had to be on breathing machines almost every night. He asked me if I minded if they prayed for me after we got off. I said I didn’t mind at all. Him and his family stood and prayed for me to heal quickly and that my family troubles would go away as well. When we parted ways he gave me a card and told me to update if anything happens.
Well, when I got back to Los Angeles from my trip, I had to go to the hospital for another routine checkup with my orthopedist and pulmonologist for my knees and asthma. My Orthopedist ran another MRI and said that I would no longer need to have knee surgery or replacements and that they looked almost perfectly healthy. My pulmonologist said that my lungs were fine. He had me run and do a few more tests and it turns out I don’t have asthma anymore either. Both doctors before had said it would take a miracle. The arguing has eased up a little in my family as well. So thank you so much for praying for me and giving me a moment of your time and thoughts!
Jim and Megan Bleakley – Pastor and Worship Director, Charlottesville Vineyard