Money, Sex, and Power – Part 2 — Aligning Your Budgets Around Your Values And God’s Call

In this episode of the How To Plant A Healthy Church Podcast, Kyla Morgan Young talks about aligning our budgets around both our values and God’s call for our churches and church plants.

On this week’s episode, we have part two of a fascinating conversation with Kyla Morgan Young discussing the challenging issues of Money, Sex, and Power. This time we dive into the practical topic of aligning our budgets around both our values and God’s call and vision for our churches and church plants. Shout out to those men and women who selflessly serve on our church budget committees and task forces!

This is another “clouds and dirt” episode address both the big picture as well as on-the-ground practical takeaways for those in the trenches of local church leadership.


Our Guest

Kyla Morgan

Kyla Morgan Young is a Doctoral Candidate at Princeton University in American Religious History. Her research focuses on how American Protestant denominations relate to money and the marketplace. She is currently a lecturer at The Ohio State University in African American Studies and an active member at Franklinton Abbey in Columbus, Ohio. Over the last decade, Kyla has served on Vineyard staffs in Ohio and Pennsylvania and was a member of the planting team in Princeton, NJ.

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