From Hippies to Parents to Church Planters

In Episode 8 of the How to Plant a Healthy Church Podcast, Sherri and Mike Harder share their story of discernment from being hippies to parents to church planters.

Have you ever felt like you don’t deserve to be called to ministry because of your past? Listen to Sherri and Mike Harder’s story of discernment from hippies to parents to church planters. They share with depth and honesty what it looks like to receive God’s love and to be propelled forward by it.

Our Guest

Sherri and Mike Harder | Pastors at the Des Moines Vineyard Church
Sherri and Mike Harder co-Pastor the Vineyard Church in Des Moines, IA. They have 6 adult children and 6 amazing grandchildren. They are coaches with Multiply Vineyard and spiritual directors. They love developing leaders and seeing folks become alive and effective in the unique way God created them.

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