Have you ever been faced with a big decision to make? What was the process for how you made it? Honestly, how do we make decisions? Not just which shirt to put on in the morning, rather, the big life-changing kinds of decisions like church planting. Join Phil Strout, National Director of Vineyard USA, discuss a healthy process to make decisions that shape your future.
Our Guest
Phil Strout | National Director of Vineyard USA
Phil Strout is the National Director of Vineyard USA, an association of approximately 600 congregations nationwide. He brings over thirty-five years of experience in the areas of church planting and cross-cultural missions and is a self-described contemplative activist – with a focus on the deepening interior journey of the Christian being the catalyst for sustainable, fruitful longevity in life, faith, and mission. For several years, Phil served in the Vineyard on the board of directors for Vineyard USA, as a Regional Leader, and as the Senior Pastor of Pathway Vineyard Church in Lewiston, Maine. Phil is the author of God’s Relentless Pursuit: Discovering His Heart for Humanity, and THRIVE: How to Successfully Navigate the S-Turns of Leadership.
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