An Invitation To 21 Days Of Prayer & Fasting

Phil would like to invite you, our Vineyard Family and friends of the Vineyard, to join us for a time of prayer and fasting for the future of the Vineyard. We welcome you to pray and fast as you can from February 8-28, leading up to an Executive Team Meeting in March, where we will meet to discern the next National Director of Vineyard USA.

An Invitation To 21 Days Of Prayer & Fasting

An Invitation To 21 Days Of Prayer & Fasting (Spanish)


We would like to invite you to pray and fast as you can from February 8-28, leading up to an Executive Team Meeting in March, where we will meet to discern the next National Director of Vineyard USA.

Phil has sensed this time of prayer and fasting, as we discern the next National Director, will have powerful impact on our Vineyard family of churches now and in the future, as God works in and through us far beyond 2021.

What Is The Invitation?

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting is an invitation to each person in the Vineyard Movement, and to friends of the Vineyard, to pray and fast for God make clear to the Executive Team as they discern the individual who should be the next National Director of Vineyard USA. Please also continue to pray into the future the Lord has for us as a Movement, and ask that God would move powerfully in the local church and in our wider Vineyard life together.

Remember to “pray as you can, not as you can’t” (as Richard Foster quoted John Chapman), and to “fast as you can, not as you can’t.” However you pray and fast, it is contributing to all that God is doing.

What Are The Dates?

  • Monday, February 8 to Sunday, February 28

How Should I Pray?


  • Fasting Basics Booklet (English) with teaching on fasting* DOWNLOAD
  • Fasting Basics Booklet (Español) with teaching on fasting* DOWNLOAD


During this time, you can share any impressions you receive as God moves through this dedicated time of prayer to .

Thank you for your willingness to invest yourself in this season of prayer and partner what the Holy Spirit is doing in this important time for Vineyard USA.


Vineyard USA Communications

* Please read the Fasting Basics booklet if you’re considering fasting and praying in one form or another. Consult a doctor or medical professional before beginning a fast.

Learn More

To learn more about how we are refocusing and reimagining the future of the Vineyard in 2021 and beyond, click here.