COVID Check-In: How Are Worship Leaders Doing?

Mike O'Brien, Director of the Vineyard School Of Worship, reflects on the shifting of the "how" we worship during the pandemic, and invites worship leaders to attend VSOW's upcoming THRIVE Worship Leader Training to continue this discussion with others in the worship community, receive support, and grow in their calling.

As we enter into the third quarter of “pandemic church” it seems only a distant memory when churches were buying cameras and light stands, sound techs were cursing at computers, and worship leaders were staring into phone cameras asking, “Is this thing on?!”
HOW we worship has changed (for some more radically than others), but the WHO of our worship remains steady. The reason we worship is still the same but the means are transforming before our very eyes.
The good news is that a community that worships the Godhead is still the hope of the world!
Just as pastors have had to learn to navigate new territories in preaching and communicating, worship leaders are undergoing a similar transformation.
Church – we encourage you to check-in on, affirm, and pray for your worship leaders in this season, in addition to your pastors.
Pastors – how are you equipping your worship leaders to navigate this moment? Many have tacked the incredible technological challenges, but what about the rest of gathered worship (songs, admin, pastoral care of creatives, etc.)? What are some best practices and culture shifts that will help him or her serve the church into this next season?
The Vineyard School of Worship has been hosting a number of discussions through this challenging time, and we want to invite worship leaders to join the conversation.
In the past 4 years we have trained over 750 worship leaders, techs and musicians through our training modules. Our next gathering is THRIVE and is happening on select days in October. Your worship leader can attend online live, with coaching or you can audit the course and receive all the content digitally. Check out the ALL IN+ package which includes private one-on-one coaching from media experts to help your online experience.


Mike O’Brien has served as a worship pastor, speaker, record producer and songwriter for over 25 years. For 18 years he served one church (Vineyard Community Church of Marietta, GA) training hundreds of worship leaders and musicians; in that church he founded a creative common called “Poured Out Like Wine.” Mike serves as the director for the Vineyard School of Worship and has produced numerous albums including “Shine On Us,” “Miami Vineyard Live,” and “Not Be Moved.” He holds his Masters of Worship Studies from the Robert E. Webber Institute and is currently serving the church at large in worship team training and worship leader mentoring. Mike, his wife Susan, and their son Ezekiel live in Atlanta, GA.