Peace (John Wimber)

When we put our circumstances in perspective, we can experience the peace of God. Dwelling on those things which are true, pure, and lovely is to make a conscious choice to let go of the anxiety we feel and to focus on eternal truths.


“When we put our circumstances in perspective, we can experience the peace of God. Dwelling on those things which are true, pure, and lovely is to make a conscious choice to let go of the anxiety we feel and to focus on eternal truths. We know we are destined for an eternity with our Maker. We can dwell on the ways that God has blessed us: family, loving friends, a good job, and an opportunity to worship freely. Any number of truths that concentrate on God’s utter devotion to us will put to rest the cyclical negative emotions and thoughts that plague us during times of uncertainty.”

John Wimber, Living With Uncertainty (Anaheim: Vineyard Ministries International, 1996), 11.

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