In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay and Julia Pickerill reminisce about their younger years together in youth and young adult ministry. They talk about the importance of embodied connection over simply teaching information and how Julia was changed by being exposed to a theology of the local church. Julia also passes on a crucial word about longevity in pastoring.
In January of 2021, Julia Pickerill became one of the Senior Pastors of the Columbus Vineyard alongside her husband Eric, succeeding Rich Nathan, who founded the church in 1987. Julia and Eric have been a part of the Vineyard movement for twenty-five years, during which time they’ve held multiple roles in the Columbus Vineyard and served as church planters and Lead Pastors of Vineyard Amsterdam (Netherlands). They returned to the US in 2015 and transitioned into senior leadership of Vineyard Columbus in January 2021. Julia is a nine on the enneagram, is a really bad cook, dislikes writing speaker bios, has three fabulous kids, and relaxes by reading novels about existential threats.
Show Notes:
Miracle Work by Jordan Seng
Vineyard USA’s recommended reading for May
The Singer Trilogy by Calvin Miller
The Tower of Geburah by John White