Nicky Gumbel: The Alpha Course Became Our Operating System

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Reverend Nicky Gumbel about his recently discovered heritage, when his atheism turned to faith, and how a decision for faith preempted his understanding of the Gospel. Nicky shares about the start of Alpha in 1977, the impact of John Wimber’s visit on his community and friends at Alpha, and how Alpha more recently exploded into the worldwide evangelism catalyst it is today. Finally, Nicky shares the advice he would want to give himself as a new Christian. 

Revd Nicky Gumbel is the pioneer of Alpha, an introduction to the Christian faith running in churches of all denominations in 140 countries. He has written several best-selling books including Why Jesus?, Questions of Life, and The Jesus Lifestyle. Having initially trained as a barrister, Nicky went on to be Vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton – a large central London church – for 17 years. Married to Pippa, they now work to support Alpha globally. They are also the authors of a daily Bible commentary called the ‘Bible in One Year’ which has over two million global subscribers. 


Show Notes: 

Nicky will be a speaker via video at the 2023 VUSA National Conference this summer: Making All Things New! Register Now! 

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Social Media: 


Twitter: @nickygumbel

Insta: @nickygumbel

April 12, 2023