Sharon McCarter: Your Call To Ministry Is Not Just An Exception

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Sharon McCarter about hearing a specific call from the Lord as a teenager to be a pastor, being told she couldn’t pastor because she was a woman, and what she learned from trusting the Lord and doing it anyway. Sharon recounts the Lord’s faithfulness in speaking to them about planting a Vineyard before she had ever attended one, how their life has progressed by being faithful with each new step as it came, and their naturally supernatural process of planting their church. Sharon also shares about the different levels of leadership she’s served in with the Vineyard, and her excitement and trust for Vineyard USA’s reorg process.

Sharon McCarter is a co-pastor of the Vineyard Church in Maryville, Tennessee, which she planted with her husband, Aaron when they were in their early 20s. She earned her Pastoral Ministry degree from Lee University in 2001. She married Aaron McCarter in 2003 and they planted a Vineyard Church in 2004. They were both incredibly drawn to the Vineyard because of the radical middle, Kingdom theology, and the practice of being naturally supernatural. Throughout the years of their church plant, Sharon has been the co-pastor, the associate pastor, the kids’ pastor, the youth pastor, and she was even a campus pastor at one of their venues during a period of transition. She loves to start new things, build great teams, and help other people recognize and use their gifts for the glory of God and the good of others. Sharon has served on the VUSA Women in Ministry Team and has served on the VUSA Executive Team. Sharon is now serving as the Vineyard Southeast Regional Leader and feels compelled to advocate for health and unity – both at the local church level and at the national level. Sharon and Aaron have 2 beautiful and fun-loving teenagers, Bryce and Breonna.

Show Notes:
Slaves, Women & Homosexuals by William J. Webb

August 16, 2023