Expanding Our Imagination: The Future of Vineyard Missions with Bubba Justice

In this episode of the We Are Vineyard podcast, Jay talks with Bubba Justice about the work he’s doing as Vineyard USA’s CFO, and the ways in which his interests in finance and missions overlap. Bubba shares about cultivating new imagination to engage the nations, strategic partnerships that equip international churches to expand the services […]

What the Civil Rights Movement Taught Us About Following Jesus with Dr. Charles Montgomery

In this episode of the We Are Vineyard podcast, we’re celebrating Black History Month! In April 2023, the Vineyard USA National Team and some leaders from around the country embarked on an immersive learning experience hosted by the Evangelical Covenant Church called “Sankofa”, an African word meaning “looking back to move forward.” Dr. Charles Montgomery, […]

Bridging Evangelism & Justice: A Conversation with Rev. Gabriel Salguero

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Josh Williams talks with Reverend Gabriel Salguero about an impactful message from the books of Isaiah and Revelation that shapes his vocational journey as a bridge builder, emphasizing how justice and mercy are interwoven in the gospel. Revered Salguero shares about the reality of justice fatigue, the essential […]

Rediscovering the Church’s Role in Justice and Evangelism with Josh Williams

Welcome back to Season Four of the We Are Vineyard Podcast! In today’s episode, Jay Pathak talks with Josh Williams about Vineyard USA’s connection with InterVarsity and partnering in their recent Ambition conference. Josh shares about how his role as AND of Justice & Evangelism has changed over the past couple of years, some of […]

Advent Week 4: Love with Mary Anne de la Torre

Welcome to the We Are Vineyard Podcast! Today’s episode is week 4 in our Advent series, and Mary Anne De La Torre, leader of Vineyard USA’s Asian American Pacific Islander Association, brings us a devotion on the theme of LOVE. Following this devotion, we will hear the song “Go Tell It On The Mountain” from […]

Advent Week 3: Jesus Starts With Joy with Rubén Quintero

Welcome to the We Are Vineyard Podcast! Today’s episode is week 3 in our Advent series, and Rubén Quintero, leader of Vineyard USA’s Hispanic Association, brings us a devotion on the theme of JOY. This will be followed by the song “Esplindida Noche/Cantemos” from Adoración Viña and Heaven and Earth, Vineyard Columbus’s worship and songwriting […]

Advent Week 2: Peace with Melanie Forsythe-Lee

Welcome to the We Are Vineyard Podcast! Today’s episode is week 2 in our Advent series, and Melanie Forsythe-Lee, leader of Vineyard USA’s Women’s Association, brings us a devotion on the theme of PEACE. This will be followed by “Christmas Medley” from Vineyard Worship’s album “Humble King”, performed by Tina Colón Williams. Show Notes:  Christmas […]

Advent Week 1: A Hope That Does Not Disappoint with Dr. Charles A. Montgomery, Jr.

Welcome to the We Are Vineyard Podcast! Today’s episode is the start of our Advent series, and Dr. Charles Montgomery Jr, interim leader of Vineyard USA’s Black Pastors and Leaders Association, brings us a devotion on the theme of HOPE. This will be followed by the title track on Vineyard Worship’s album “Humble King”, performed […]