Advent Week 4: Love with Mary Anne de la Torre
Welcome to the We Are Vineyard Podcast! Today’s episode is week 4 in our Advent series, and Mary Anne De La Torre, leader of Vineyard USA’s Asian American Pacific Islander Association, brings us a devotion on the theme of LOVE. Following this devotion, we will hear the song “Go Tell It On The Mountain” from […]
Advent Week 3: Jesus Starts With Joy with Rubén Quintero
Welcome to the We Are Vineyard Podcast! Today’s episode is week 3 in our Advent series, and Rubén Quintero, leader of Vineyard USA’s Hispanic Association, brings us a devotion on the theme of JOY. This will be followed by the song “Esplindida Noche/Cantemos” from Adoración Viña and Heaven and Earth, Vineyard Columbus’s worship and songwriting […]
Advent Week 2: Peace with Melanie Forsythe-Lee
Welcome to the We Are Vineyard Podcast! Today’s episode is week 2 in our Advent series, and Melanie Forsythe-Lee, leader of Vineyard USA’s Women’s Association, brings us a devotion on the theme of PEACE. This will be followed by “Christmas Medley” from Vineyard Worship’s album “Humble King”, performed by Tina Colón Williams. Show Notes: Christmas […]
Advent Week 1: A Hope That Does Not Disappoint with Dr. Charles A. Montgomery, Jr.
Welcome to the We Are Vineyard Podcast! Today’s episode is the start of our Advent series, and Dr. Charles Montgomery Jr, interim leader of Vineyard USA’s Black Pastors and Leaders Association, brings us a devotion on the theme of HOPE. This will be followed by the title track on Vineyard Worship’s album “Humble King”, performed […]
Leadership Under Pressure: Drew Hyun
In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Drew Hyun about growing up with Korean immigrant parents, the impact of his father’s ministry on his faith, and how his passion for the Bible became a hangup for him. Drew talks about how God orchestrated an internship opportunity where he experienced deep healing, how […]
Leadership Under Pressure: Dr. Henry Cloud
In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Dr. Henry Cloud about his early life and how he became interested in psychology and leadership development. Dr. Cloud shares about helping people to build leadership muscles in a variety of environments, the role gaps serve in training, and developing leaders in their personhood. He […]
Leadership Under Pressure: Jim Herrington
In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Jim Herrington about reconciling his call to ministry with some traumatic early experiences, and the career path that led him to leadership coaching and starting The Leader’s Journey. Jim shares about some of the ideas they’ve further cultivated since writing the first version of The […]
Leadership Under Pressure: Michael Cusick
In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Michael Cusick about being raised in a family with an extensive history of addiction, the circumstances that brought his brokenness and trauma to the forefront of his life, and how God rescued his marriage. Michael shares about starting the Restoring The Soul ministry, engaging people’s […]
Leadership Under Pressure: Trisha Taylor
In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Trisha Taylor about navigating her call to ministry as a woman and how she found her “in” as a counselor. They chat about the role of authenticity in transformation, some of the common internal issues that pastors need to explore for change to occur, and […]
Leadership Under Pressure: Chuck DeGroat
In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Chuck DeGroat about his entrance to ministry and when his interests started turning toward psychology and people’s lives. Chuck talks about the intersection between narcissism and pastoral health and the pitfall of pastors turning inside themselves in self-protection. Jay and Chuck discuss the policies and […]