Becky Olmstead: The Vineyard’s Love For Kids

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Becky Olmstead about growing up in the church, her resistance towards living a life of formal ministry, and finding that God had specifically prepared her to lead a Children’s Ministry. Becky shares some advice she would give to her younger self, her unique priorities in […]

Steve Nicholson: Being A Church That Lives Beyond Human Explanation

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with return guest Steve Nicholson about some common practices of pastors who see the Holy Spirit move in their churches, and how pastors can begin to train and lead Holy Spirit ministry. Steve also shares about moving through windows of discouragement and what he’s seeing the […]

Mary Anne De La Torre: A Deeper Level of Coming Home

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Mary Anne De La Torre about being born in the Philippines during the Marcos era, her parents leaving to immigrate to the US when she was very young, and the motivation in many cultures to pursue certain degrees and career goals in order to open […]

John and Debby Wright: National Directors for Vineyard UK and Ireland

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with John and Debby Wright about growing up in Chile and the UK during times of outpouring of the Holy Spirit, finding each other in their older teen years, and how their lives came apart while at University. John and Debby remember John Wimber’s arrival at […]

Nicky Gumbel: The Alpha Course Became Our Operating System

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Reverend Nicky Gumbel about his recently discovered heritage, when his atheism turned to faith, and how a decision for faith preempted his understanding of the Gospel. Nicky shares about the start of Alpha in 1977, the impact of John Wimber’s visit on his community and […]

Caleb Maskell: Left Foot Scholarship, Right Foot Church Life

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Caleb Maskell about immigrating to the US as a child, the disorientation of self he experienced, and how this manifested socially and academically. Caleb shares about failing classes in high school, how he eventually discovered his love for learning and critical thinking, and how that […]

Phil Chorlian: Church Planting Requires Grit

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Phil Chorlian about the series of events that led him to Jesus as a teenager and when the Holy Spirit knocked him off a fence, his passionate pursuit of the Lord in high school, and how everything fell apart as a young adult. Phil shares […]

Dianne Leman: The Ministry Of Jesus Is For Everybody

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Diane Leman about growing up with strong leadership skills in a legalistic religious community where women were to be silent, reconnecting with the Lord as a young adult, and the medical disruption that opened the door for new faith experiences and curiosity. Di shares about […]

Dennae Pierre: Building City-Wide Church Movements

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay talks with Dennae Pierre about growing up in a close but chaotic household and the stability she found in the church, pursuing mentors, and being identified as a leader early on in life. Dennae shares how she’s navigated issues of race, as well as her call to […]

Asbury Special Report with Pastor Jason Duncan

In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Jay sits down with Jason Duncan and Caleb Maskell to talk about Jason’s experience as a pastor of a Vineyard Church in Wilmore, KY, home of Asbury University. Jason shares about growing up as the son of a United Methodist preacher and how God disrupted his life plans […]