Remember The Poor – How Can We Serve The Poor?

Amid the thousands of images of suffering we see on our streets, televisions, phones, and computer screens, how do we choose where we will invest our lives?

Getting Involved With The Poor

There is so much injustice in our world today, we can feel paralyzed by the sheer scope of need. Yet if we ignore injustice, and turn our back on the powerless and the poor, the Scripture tells us that something very sad happens. God hears our worship as “noise” until we “…Let justice roll on like a river; righteousness like a never-failing stream” (Amos 5:34).

But how can you and I get involved? Amid the thousands of images of suffering we see on our streets, televisions, phones, and computer screens, how do we choose where we will invest our lives?

Here, the words of Jesus can move us forward: “Give and it will be given to you” (Luke 6:38). In other words, if we just start giving – giving time, resources, and energy to those in need – God will both guide us and give us what we need to do his will.

Across the Vineyard movement, there are literally hundreds of ways to be involved in caring for those in need. We have ministries that address the sex trafficking industry, poor health and sanitation issues, economic injustice, racial injustice, and issues of spiritual poverty. Vineyard communities are committed to innovating new expressions of ministry for the world’s most vulnerable to get the resources they need.

Faith Is Spelled R-I-S-K

Many years ago, Carol Wimber used the language of the “haves” and the “have nots” when speaking about the Vineyard’s call to serve the poor. One day, we are the “have,” with food on our table, peace in our home, and provision for our education. On another day, we might be the “have not,” in need of someone to share their resources and influence to help us change the circumstance we are in. The “have nots” need the” haves” for their supply, but the “haves” need the “have nots” to give meaning to the gifts that God has place in their hands.

In your community, either through your local Vineyard church or through a relief organization, there are opportunities to get beyond your comfort zone and to get involved. For many years, Vineyard churches have spelled faith: “R-I-S-K.” Sometimes we must jump off the diving board before we know if there is water in the pool! Finding God in the midst of a new adventure means diving in and trusting that God will help you as you do.

Our Vineyard history is rich with literally thousands of stories of people who encountered Jesus and his kingdom through someone reaching out to them with care. In Vineyards around the world, we often match people’s life experience with a need. For example, if you are a young woman then perhaps ministering to young women rescued from the sex trafficking industry is a next step for you. If you have known the difficulty of joblessness, it is possible that a great start for you would be to work with the homeless and jobless of your city.

Sharing some of our experiences with others in need can break down invisible barriers, creating supportive relationships. Often, God uses our stories to open the heart of another to Jesus – giving an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to provide for them in ways no one else can.

Joining The Father Among The Poor

Our desire as a movement is not to ask God to bless what we are doing in our churches, but rather to get involved in what God is already doing. We see God’s heart for the poor, and we see him moving among the weak to bring deliverance and healing through his people.

In fact, many of our churches around the world are building their faith communities among  the poor, integrating with those in need as neighbors, friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ. Long-term care, job placement, and enrichment paths are set in motion, and those broken by poverty or abuse often rise to become healthy, hopeful, and healing followers of Christ.

Get involved caring for the poor in your local context, with a humble heart to serve. You’ll be amazed at what changes in you as you follow Jesus among the poor. #VineyardGlobalFamily Share on X