Reopening Your Kids’ Ministries

"As we prepare to open our doors once again, we have an opportunity to see with fresh eyes how we can reimagine ways to reach this generation."

We couldn’t have ever predicted that 2020 would hold huge changes for the Church. I never imagined that I’d be watching church on Sunday morning at home in my pj’s! Did you ever dream that we would be given the opportunity to completely reimagine how we can structure a ministry to kids? 

These have not been easy times and change is definitely stressful! Knowing how to make use of a once in a lifetime opportunity feels like an extreme amount of pressure. Lots of pain, fear, and hardship is swirling all around us.

But what the enemy has meant for evil, God is redeeming for his purpose. I believe that this moment matters.

Now is the time for the Church to experiment, take risks, and be bold! Now is the time to be awakened to the move of God on the earth today. Now is the time to see the kids ministry of your dreams.

God wants to change the culture from kids who drop out of church to kids who have a relationship with Jesus that lasts a lifetime.

What kind of changes can we make that might help create a new culture? What can we do to give kids a chance at a relationship with Jesus that will last a lifetime? 

I believe that it’s God’s desire for every church to create a culture where kids have life changing God moments that will impact their lives forever. As we prepare to open our doors once again, we have an opportunity to see with fresh eyes how we can reimagine ways to reach this generation. 

Opening the doors will take physical preparation to create a healthy environment that will make people feel safe bringing their kids. See the links below for reopening tips.

It will also take spiritual preparation as we ask God for wisdom to know what to keep and what to tweak. 

I heard a story last week from a Vineyard Kids Leader. She was wrestling with how to talk about racism with the kids in her ministry. She didn’t know how to do it, so she prayed and asked God what to do. He answered her prayer and gave her a simple first step. She followed his lead and saw God at work.

That’s all he’s asking us to do! Come to him for the solution. When he gives you an answer, take the first step in obedience. He will meet you there!

Here are a few things that I feel God is wanting to build into the culture of the Church:

  • This is a season of salvation. God is calling people, especially very young people, into his heart of love. He wants them to say “yes” to receiving his gift of love, and come into relationship with him. Are we communicating that heart to our kids?
  • God made people to crave community with others. He is a relational God, and we are people created to be in relationship with others. Kids need to have friends in their lives that are on the same journey with Jesus. Church is the best place for kids to find those friends. Are we, and the parents of our kids, doing everything possible to provide kids opportunities to find those friends and nourish those friendships?
  • God is a God of justice. The Holy Spirit is blowing across our nation awakening  justice. God is raising up a generation who will stand up for justice. A generation that reflects Jesus by loving like He does. A generation that sees people that others overlook – the poor, the physically challenged, those without status. A generation that takes the opportunity to do the right thing when they encounter injustice.

God is leading us into new and unknown territory. He is awakening us to join the wave of His presence that is sweeping across the nation. There is an invitation to discover the keys to unlock the next great move of God. As leaders in the kingdom I’m inviting you to collectively say “yes” to this call. Will you give your life to see a generation ignited to change the world through the love and power of Jesus?

For the Next Generation,

Becky Olmstead

National Leader,
Vineyard Kids USA

If you’d like some ideas and tips of things to think about before you reopen, check out these links:


Becky Olmstead is the Lead Pastor of the Mountainbrook Church in San Luis Obispo, CA, the National Leader for Vineyard Kids USA, and Leader for the 4/14 Movement.