Stories From The Vineyard Diverse Leaders Gathering

This April, the Vineyard USA Diversity Initiative hosted a Vineyard Diverse Leaders Gathering in Chaska, Minnesota.

This April, the Vineyard USA Diversity Initiative hosted a Vineyard Diverse Leaders Gathering in Chaska, Minnesota. Leaders from many cultural and experience backgrounds came together for worship, teaching, prayer, and mutual encouragement.

A few leaders shared stories from their time together.

Stories From The Diverse Leaders Gathering

Expressing Hopes & Dreams
“At the Diverse Leaders Gathering, I found it was safe for me to express my secret hopes and dreams for my church, and also safe to share my fears and limitations. Both of these are difficult to carry alone and such a gift when they can be shared! I was encouraged by those who have been in ministry longer than I have, and I met leaders I can look up to. This really helps me hang on to a vision for growth and not just “getting by” when I’m discouraged. Finally, this was a significant time for my husband and I to connect as partners in the mission God has for us.”

Diverse Origins Stories
“It was really cool hearing the diversity of origin stories during group time.”

A Spouse Receives Care
“To my knowledge this is the first time my husband received care as a ministry spouse. That meant a lot to both of us. Even just the gesture of inviting him and covering costs for both of us made room for us to talk candidly about his challenges/demands which are so often more difficult to perceive and articulate than mine. I’m really grateful that he got to share his origin story both with me and with a group who welcomed and received it without relegating him to sidekick status in someone else’s story.”

Rare Connections
“I loved meeting another Indian leader! That’s a rare thing in the Vineyard and we had lots to talk about and became friends.”

Lament & Tongues
“I experienced the opportunity to lament corporately as very powerful, as well as singing Josh Miller’s lament song. This opened up a spontaneous response in praying out in our own “tongues” whether spiritual tongues or our native tongues.”

Transformation & Breakthrough
“I experienced transformation and breakthrough through the origin story exercise—sharing that in a safe small group, and meeting with a spiritual director. I was stuck in fear and shame in embracing my ethnic identity (which I had exchanged for “whiteness”). I believe I was able to hear how Jesus saw me and receive the freedom He has for me, through doing this work in a loving community. I believe Josh’s exhortation that God wants us to get free, stay free, and free others through our stories!”

Connected & Opened
“Getting to know other leaders and hearing their stories, connected me to their pain and opened my heart up.”
