Releasing A New AVC In Brazil

In May 2016, Vineyard pastors and members from all over Brazil welcomed Vineyard representatives from the U.K., Canada, and the U.S. to a moving conference celebration as the Vineyard churches of Brasilia were released to become their own Association of Vineyard Churches (AVC) in Brazil. Luke Huber, the founder of PAZ Mission, first introduced me […]
Who Is Speaking At The National Conference?

What is the 2017 National Conference? July 10-13, we’re gathering with our Vineyard family in Anaheim, CA – back where we began – to reclaim our sense of purpose and mission as a people who, together, lean outward! Building off of 2015’s historic Vineyard Global Family conference where 4,000+ Vineyard people representing 60+ nations gathered […]
2017 National Conference – Plan Your Trip!

TOGETHER, LEANING OUTWARD is the title of our 2017 National Conference this year, July 10-13, 2017 in Anaheim, CA! Back where it all started, the Anaheim Vineyard will host us for this amazing family event. We’ll be following up on our epic experience at Vineyard Global Family. This conference will enlist us in Kingdom living […]
Expectancy For The Spirit

Dear Friends, I hope you are enjoying the rhythms of summer, whatever they may be for you. For me, summer means the chance to visit wonderful regional conferences all over the United States, and to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones – including the many new church planters being released through Multiply Vineyard. […]