Peace (John Wimber)

Peace “When we put our circumstances in perspective, we can experience the peace of God. Dwelling on those things which are true, pure, and lovely is to make a conscious choice to let go of the anxiety we feel and to focus on eternal truths. We know we are destined for an eternity with our […]

Don’t Be Anxious (John Wimber)

Don’t Be Anxious “We are not to be anxious about anything because in everything we are meant to pray and petition. The word prayer means to express what’s on your heart and mind. To petition means to give the concern and method of resolution over to God. “Here’s my problem God. Work it out according […]

Jesus Shines Clearly (John Wimber)

Jesus Shines Clearly “What I discovered is that the view from the valley isn’t so bad. In fact, it gives you a focus on Christ that you can’t get any other way. Have you ever noticed that the stars shine brighter in the desert? There are no obstructions, no distractions or competing lights. The view […]

Relying On The Provider (John Wimber)

Relying On The Provider Relying on the Provider, rather than his provision, is the core principle. Psalms 33:16-17 says, “No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its strength, it cannot save.” Though we’ve been made […]

Our Need For Him (John Wimber)

Our Need For Him “Though his purposes are uniquely tailored to each person, his goals remain the same for all of us. He will conform us to the image of this Son (Romans 8:29). We will become increasingly aware of our need for him as over and against our tendency toward self-reliance. Since sin and […]

God’s Sovereignty (John Wimber)

God’s Sovereignty “Psalm 33:11 says, “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever and the purposes of his heart through all generations .” In response to trials and testings in our lives, we start with the understanding that God is absolutely supreme in the lives of men. This passage reveals that each of us […]

Giving In To Temptation (John Wimber)

Giving In To Temptation “Giving in to temptation when facing small tests undermines your relationship with God, so that when you are tested with a difficult thing, you aren’t ready at all. You flunk. Secret sin breaks the bond of intimacy with God. In some small way, the concession to your comfort will dissipate your […]

Acting On Our Beliefs (John Wimber)

Acting On Our Beliefs “Whether it is prayer for the sick or devotional Bible study, when we make commitments to the Lord to act on our beliefs, we can expect the enemy to challenge them. What happens when you decide to start reading the Bible daily? All hell breaks loose when you sit down and […]

Growing In Faith (John Wimber)

Growing In Faith “Growing in the exercise of faith is key if we want to have an impact on our society. Scripture instructs us not only to believe certain truths, but to act on specific commands, such as healing the sick, tithing, giving to the poor, and sharing the Gospel, to mention a few. The […]

Encountering Trials (John Wimber)

Encountering Trials “Suffering is an unavoidable part of our Christian experience. Jesus led the way by suffering persecution, ridicule, and eventually, the crucifixion. In James 1:2, we read, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials .” Notice James didn’t say if you encounter trials; he said, when you encounter trials. Trials […]