The Ebb And Flow Of Intimacy (John Wimber)

The Ebb And Flow Of Intimacy Jesus only spoke the words of the Father. So, whenever he spoke, and wherever it’s written down, we have the recorded words of the Father. Through intimacy with the Father, we are able to enter into the life of Christ and do the works of Christ. He has called […]

Intimacy With The Father And The Son (John Wimber)

Intimacy With The Father And The Son Intimacy must begin with an intimate understanding of who you are talking to. As a young Christian, I had the misconception of God the Father as someone rather austere and far off  in the heavens. I had the notion that one of the reasons that Jesus sat before […]

Intimacy With God (John Wimber)

Intimacy With God “Do not leave my cry unanswered. Whisper words of truth in my heart. For you alone speak truth.” — Saint Augustine Intimacy begins with personal relationship. You can’t be emotionally intimate with someone you don’t know. The New Testament gives us a glimpse into the intimate relationship between the Father and the […]

Intimate Communication with God (John Wimber)

Intimate Communication with God And he walks with me and he talks with me, and he tells me I am his own. And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known.” – From “In The Garden” These verses from one of my favorite hymns beautifully express the intimacy we can […]

The Bottom Line Is His Sovereignty (John Wimber)

The Bottom Line Is His Sovereignty “God’s responses to prayers offered for healing have varying results. But the bottom line is always his sovereignty. There are times when our faith does make a difference in God’s responsiveness to our prayers. The mystery lies in the fact that it is God who gives the gift of […]

Paradoxes That Perplex (John Wimber)

Paradoxes That Perplex “Uncertain of how God will respond to our prayers, we sometimes withdraw from practicing his commands. Others drum up a false bravado to convince God to do what they think he ought to do. Neither posture is correct. On the one hand, we know that God is sovereign and that he sent […]

He Promises His Peace (John Wimber)

He Promises His Peace “Living in uncertainty is the vehicle through which the Lord shapes us into holy, mature people, and the means by which he draws us closer to himself as our truest resource. In order to manage the pain that invariably comes our way, we must focus our attention on the Lord and […]

Peace (John Wimber)

Peace “When we put our circumstances in perspective, we can experience the peace of God. Dwelling on those things which are true, pure, and lovely is to make a conscious choice to let go of the anxiety we feel and to focus on eternal truths. We know we are destined for an eternity with our […]

Don’t Be Anxious (John Wimber)

Don’t Be Anxious “We are not to be anxious about anything because in everything we are meant to pray and petition. The word prayer means to express what’s on your heart and mind. To petition means to give the concern and method of resolution over to God. “Here’s my problem God. Work it out according […]

Jesus Shines Clearly (John Wimber)

Jesus Shines Clearly “What I discovered is that the view from the valley isn’t so bad. In fact, it gives you a focus on Christ that you can’t get any other way. Have you ever noticed that the stars shine brighter in the desert? There are no obstructions, no distractions or competing lights. The view […]