Thankfulness In The Hardship (John Wimber)

Thankfulness In The Hardship “When I thank God, even for difficult situations, my focus is turned to God, who must intervene and help in order to resolve it, rather than on my limited resources. Oh, Iā€™m not necessarily thankful about the hardship, but in the hardship. I know that God will somehow use this for […]

Be Anxious For Nothing (John Wimber)

Be Anxious For Nothing “The Lord cares about your most anxious prayers, just like a father cares about his childā€™s anxieties. There are times when my prayers bubble up in desperation like a boiling kettle. I can pull the thing off the fire, cool it down, but if I put it back on the fire […]

Itā€™s In The Asking (John Wimber)

Itā€™s In The Asking “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Have you ever had the thought, ā€œWell, if the Father knows what I need before I ask him, why ask him?ā€ Because itā€™s in the asking that you get to know him. Itā€™s climbing up on his lap and saying, ā€œDaddy, […]

The Author And The Finisher (John Wimber)

The Author And The Finisher “For most of my life, Iā€™ve been programmed to believe that if I really got my own way, Iā€™d be happy. But the Bible and my experience have taught me that God getting his way makes me happy. And the truth is that Iā€™m learning his way is the only […]

Help Me Learn To Obey You (John Wimber)

Help Me Learn To Obey You “God has reminded me repeatedly that I really do want to be obedient to him. Iā€™ve found myself, from time to time, praying this kind of a prayer, ā€œGod, forget about what Iā€™ve done and said in the last few months. I long to obey You. Help me to […]

God Will Respond (John Wimber)

God Will Respond “God will respond to you, and heā€™ll answer your prayers. God has a broader and bigger will than most of us realize. Satan is constantly trying to cut down the perimeter of your desire and belief for the things God would do for you. Godā€™s will is to bless you and give […]

Faith Is Active (John Wimber)

Faith Is Active “There is a powerful story, in the Old Testament, of Godā€™s promise to enter into the promised land. Israel refused to believe Godā€™s promise, and wandered for forty years in the wilderness before finally entering. The author of Hebrews uses this example to teach that we believers need to combine faith with […]

Sin Hinders Relationship (John Wimber)

Sin Hinders Relationship “There are times when a child of God turns his ear away from the voice of God. He tries to block out the corrections, the companionship and the commandments of God. Selfishness (James 4:3), an unforgiving spirit (Matthew 6:9-15, Mark 11:24-26), and cherishing or holding on to known sin (Psalm 66:18, Isaiah […]

He Hears The Prayers Of The Saints (John Wimber)

He Hears The Prayers Of The Saints “The Apostle John, after establishing a long history of having his prayers answered, wrote, ā€œThis is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us, whatever we ask, we know […]

Yes, No, And Wait! (John Wimber)

Yes, No, And Wait! “Sometimes, I get it so fixed in my mind how I want it to work out, that I donā€™t think itā€™s an answer to prayer until itā€™s worked out that way. Occasionally, Iā€™ve realized that God already answered me, but because he didnā€™t do it the way I asked him to […]