Rejoice Always (John Wimber)

Rejoice Always “Troubles will come and go, but a relationship with God is eternal. Rejoicing in the Lord is simply recognizing what he’s done for you — what he has provided in Jesus Christ — and for who he is. In reality, I can always rejoice, whether I’m in good or bad times, because I […]

He Is A Sovereign God (John Wimber)

He Is A Sovereign God “No matter how intimate your prayer life is, there are times when it seems that God is not answering. Like author C.S. Lewis described upon the death of his wife, “the heavens are leaden.” Sometimes, I feel like the Lord is not near when trials come my way. I feel […]

Body, Soul, And Born-Again Spirit (John Wimber)

Body, Soul, And Born-Again Spirit “We are all three dimensional in reflection of the makeup of God. We consist of body, soul, and spirit. The body we are well acquainted with; the soul is our mind, intellect, and personality, which we are also acquainted with; and then we have a spiritual dimension. As a result […]

A Spiritual Language (John Wimber)

A Spiritual Language “Studying through 1 Corinthians 14, you’ll discover that praying in the Spirit is a way of communicating and edifying yourself in an intimate connection with God. Scripture says, “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests” (Ephesians 6:18a). Paul, here, is saying that we should […]

The Privacy of Prayer (John Wimber)

The Privacy Of Prayer “He values the privacy of prayer. A major part of what is accomplished in the world today occurs “with the door closed,” one-on-one with God. Cultivate that intimacy and linger before the Lord in prayer. Allow him to help you formulate your requests and petitions. Nurture your “secret history” with the […]

For God Alone (John Wimber)

For God Alone “God wants us to develop a secret prayer life with him. Why do I say that? Look at Jesus. Although he taught on public prayer, Jesus repeatedly stressed in his ministry this business of private prayer. “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, […]

An Essential Element (John Wimber)

An Essential Element “In the Gospel of John, Jesus talks about an absolutely essential element for a quality prayer life. “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you” (John 15:7). The word “remain” here means to live in Jesus, to take […]

Intimate Cries Of The Heart (John Wimber)

Intimate Cries Of The Heart “There are prayers of startling intimacy throughout the Bible. Many of the significant prayers in the Bible were the personal, intimate cries of the heart, only audible to the God they were intended for. We don’t know what Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his barren wife, Rebekah. […]

Jesus Communicates His Heart (John Wimber)

Jesus Communicates His Heart “Jesus also talks to his disciples in a way that beautifully demonstrates the intimate relationship he had with them. This is a dynamic and profound passage, filled with love, tenderness, and pathos. Jesus has spent three years with these men, and he is now just hours from the end of this […]

The Pattern For Us To Follow (John Wimber)

The Pattern For Us To Follow “Jesus’ intimacy with the Father set the pattern for us to follow. He demonstrated this intimacy in the way he talked to his Father in prayer. Jesus didn’t use formal, religious language when he prayed. He used dinner table talk of a close family. “Abba” is an Aramaic word […]