The Bottom Line Is His Sovereignty (John Wimber)

God’s responses to prayers offered for healing have varying results. But the bottom line is always his sovereignty.

The Bottom Line Is His Sovereignty

“God’s responses to prayers offered for healing have varying results. But the bottom line is always his sovereignty. There are times when our faith does make a difference in God’s responsiveness to our prayers. The mystery lies in the fact that it is God who gives the gift of faith for the specific instance that he chooses. Whether God’s timing includes healing or not is determined by his sovereign will — which is always right. There is immeasurable peace when we yield our need to control and understand his ways. We can rest in the assurance that God is just and merciful. Whatever he chooses is the best thing for the person for whom we pray, whether or not he or she is healed. This, too, is part of the mystery.”

John Wimber, Living With Uncertainty (Anaheim: Vineyard Ministries International, 1996), 12-13.

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